Chapter 16: The Last Presentation

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If Love was a sin, then I'll sin to love

Bianca's Pov

He didn't say anything afterward as he dropped me at the Suite I was staying.

I got inside and locked the door behind me.

I removed my shoes to ease the aches on my toes.

I decided to rest my head on the couch. I tried sleeping but I was too hungry to do that.

I ate the remaining desserts left for me in my fridge as I pounced on my couch to relax my head a little. Only to be woken up by a beep from my phone.

Ohmyyyy... It's past 7 am, how the hell did I sleep for 8hrs without waking up at all and on the couch for that matter.

I stood up abruptly to the bathroom. I had a quick bath and hurried back to my room to get ready for my presentation.

I wore a black palazo with a White shirt to go with it . I left my first two buttons opened as I styled my hair strands forward and placing the rest in a bun.

I contemplated on a bracelet or Necklace. I decided to go with the latter.

I put on my Victoria secret Shoe to go with it and grabbed my purse and headed out to the company and as usual the same Muscular man was there standing at the entrance of my door waiting for me.

"Good morning ma'am" he said barely audible in an expression less face . What wrong with him... He should lighten up at least

"Morning Trevor" I said in a polite smile walking ahead of him to the elevator.

Stepping into the company, My belly grumbled as I used my hands to feel them.

I haven't eaten anything yet because I woke up late and didn't get time to make breakfast.

"Bourgiono Ms. Bennett" Celesta greeted in with a beam smile. I returned the smile because it's been a while I last saw her.

"Morning Celesta" I said moving abruptly to the elevator before it could close as only God knows when it will open again as my eyes could not help but glance briefly at the glassy elevator at my right end.

I got into the elevator, unfortunately Raphael Trent was already there again.

"Bella it's you again" he said with a flirteous smile .

"Hi" I said with a brief smile before turning to him again..." Bella?" I asked confused

"Yeah... Meaning beautiful" he said with another tantalizing smile.

" So 2 pm, on Friday at the Cafeteria... the 42th floor." He said still on his smile. I stared at him in confusion

"Common... You promised to have lunch with me if we ever encounter each other again" he said... Oh I remembered

" Oh... " I said warily contemplating

"So ..." He asked sounding like a kid waiting for me to say go ahead and take the candy.

" Fine ... No problem" I said without giving it much thought... I just hope there wouldn't be a problem.

The elevator door opened as he left not without winking at me. I smiled at his playful tricks.

Finally the elevator door opened on my floor... I stepped out quickly and hurriedly move to my office before I encounter Stefano again .

A knock came in.

" Come in" I said taking a final look at my sketch before looking up to see Giovanna In her gorgeous smile.

"Good morning Senorita" she said

" Morning dear" I said with my beam smile.

" It's time for the presentation... I guess you're all set ? " She said still on her smile as I nodded.

" Mr. Alcantara is expecting you now at the conference room" she said glancing briefly at her watch. I felt series of waves and sparks gushed down my system.

"Okay" I managed to say. I looked at my sketch pad again and heaved a deep breath adjusting the collar of my shirt as I headed to the door after Giovanna with my system and sketch pad.

Getting to the Conference room, the big mahogany door opened as all eyes were paired on me aside from the Devil.

Yeah he's my devil. I walk inside smartly to get the presentation done with.

"Wow... Stunning as always Ms. Bennett" Mr. Molotov commented with a beam smile as I bowed in thanks to him.

"It's her flaming red hair for me" I heard another comment from one of the women on seat with her name tagged Ms. Collins.

"I know right" Mr. Dmitri whispered to Ms. Collins in response to her comment. They both smiled.

I put on my best polite smile as I glanced briefly at Stefano who's eyes were still glued to his Tablet.

I sighed facing the projector at my side. I picked the remote to switch to my design.

" Morning everyone" I said in a polite smile as they responded excluding the devil. I continued with my presentation

"Fashion has become more than just wearing the clothes that are in trend.

Fashion defines us as we define fashion too.

Just like a saying ' dress the way you want to be addressed'". I turned to the slide as I flipped it to the next page.

Everyone reaction stunned me as I expected even Stefano who finally looked up at this reacted but was quick to mask it up. I smiled then continued " If you look at that picture I mean deeply... You'll realize something" I said looking back and forth at everyone's faces.

" Have you ever seized to amaze us Ms. Bennett?" Commented by Ms. Collins. I smiled then she added... " That design reminds me of Frederick... It's been a while I had seen something so different and classic" she said putting on a proud smile.

" Frederick? And who's that?" Mr. Molotov squinted his eyes turning his head slightly towards Ms. Collins looking confused like everyone else.

" Charles Frederick Worth... The first fashion designer in the world" I said in my proud smile.

" Wow this girl, you're sauce and rare... " Ms. Collins said before turning to Stefano" we must not lose this talent here" she said like I wasn't standing there listening to her compliments about me.

Trust Stefano with his blank and expressionless face.

" Thank you Ms. Collins" I said with my polite smile and continued
"Frederick designs were to make a visible statement about his client's style, elegance, modernity and wealth and so is this design..." I said waiting for a response and I got one

" Wow... Now I'm confused... I love your three designs and I'm stuck but I'll definitely go with this." Ms. Collins said again with a satisfying smile.

" Yeah I agree...same with me" Mr. Dmitri added with a satisfying smile too

" A beautiful woman with a beautiful design" Mr. Molotov commented in a flirty smile

" Pervert" Ms. Collins elbowed him. As everyone turned to Stefano who was busy doing what I don't know on his tablet but he finally looked up and realized that we were all waiting for him.

And if he doesn't like this then I'm out... I'll give up or rather toss his ass out of this building...oops I definitely won't...

"Good! We're dismissed" he said standing up.

" Just good? Really Man? " Mr. Molotov said in an irritating tone.

" Yeah... What do you expect?" He said in a stoic face and left before Mr. Molotov could interject him.

Giovanna rushed and hugged me whispering " this is beautiful for real" she said in a gushy manner before hurrying back to Stefano and out of the boardroom.

Oops... short... I know... We're getting there 🥳... Don't forget to leave comments... it'll make me happy and definitely make the update faster and longer....

Please don't also forget to vote and share with your friends

Love you, Ria🍒

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