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QUENCH MY FIRE it's a sequel to DROWNED.

Note: it can be read as a stand alone story... You don't need to read Drowned to understand this book but I'll be glad if you still check it out for reading pleasure.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked again. He glanced briefly at me and I saw the desire in his eyes but he was quick to mask it up looking somewhere else.

"Put on something" he stated adjusting his watch and avoiding my question again.

"Stefano Alcantara!" I spoke irately getting annoyed at his snortle attitude. He heaved a sigh.

"I'm leaving back to ...

"New York?" I finished for him cutting him off from his speech. I was getting furious at this point and I really hope it's not what I'm thinking.

" Look Yesterday was fun...

I walloped his face with slap before I realized what I did feeling infuriated and I could feel tears clouding in my eyes but I tried my utmost best to mask it up.

"Fun?" I demanded in a cracky voice refusing to believe my ears...I tried to numb the pain that coursed through me but it clung like magnet...

"I was drunk...

"Rot in hell Bastard!!!" I spat bitterly at him....

Let's find out this enemiestolovers story.

Okay guys... I'm so excited about this book😍...I'll be updating thrice a week (Tues, Thur and Sat) stay tuned.

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