Chapter 38: The Revelation

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If you make a choice that intentionally hurts someone that you love, then you probably don’t know what love is.


"Mr. Habberstad will like an audience with you Sir" Ms. Rennes reported as I dropped my pen raising my brows in question.

"The Director of the Five star hotel at New York" she further added. I nodded frantically.

When did they change director?

"Mr. Edward resigned few weeks ago and was replaced with Mr. Jon Habberstad." She answered my thought.

That's why she's my secretary...I don't need to ask before she knows what to do or say. I nodded frantically again.

"So what's this audience about and where?" I demanded.

"He didn't reveal... He wants to see you personally at the HAY HOTEL in the city." She answered calmly.

"I'm a Man of myriad time so you can just get to me without a proper appointment huh!" I said irately at my secretary feeling infuriated at her lack of decision manner.

"Not exactly Sir... I mean since he was the Director of the Five...

"So? That gave you the go ahead to give invalid appointment to someone without a verified reason?" I spat placidly trying to keep my voice low and calm.

"I'm sorry Sir" she apologized fearfully and she knows I detest that word to the core in the business world. You cannot afford to be sorry when dealing with tons of empire... Any sloppy move can shut you down and to avoid that, you carry out your work flawlessly.

"You know I detest that word!" I snapped at her as I shut my eyes trying to control my temper. After a while I asked...

"what time?"

"4pm tomorrow" she said making me more angry.

"Am I not supposed to be at a charity event tomorrow at 3:30pm?" I demanded irately. Her eyes grew big...

"Y-Yes Sir... " she stuttered nervously.



"Leave..." I cut her off curtly. I don't know what's wrong with her brain today.

I was still trying to calm myself down when my phone starts to ring.

"What!" I answered then Lucca chuckled.

"What a nice pleasantry coming from you Amico after blowing up the internet with your PDA... " He scoffed from the other side of the phone.

"PDA? What are you talking about?" I furrowed my brows in confusion..

"Let me guess! You haven't seen it yet? Dumb as always" he Twitched his tongue. What is he talking about?

"You wanted to eat this girl on a bare innocent corridor huh! You could not even wait to get to your bedroom" He said again... I hate when he's talking around the corners.

"Can you just stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened?" I demanded impatiently...

"Go and see for yourself" He said and without a second thought...I ended the call and went through my social media and there it was.

Perfectly taken... I mean the picture of Bianca and I at Sicily when we made out briefly at on one of the corridors of the industry.

Someone must have seen us and posted it on the Internet.

The angles were well captured and the caption was...


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