Chapter 14: Locking eyes

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I tried to let her off my mind, but the more I tried the worse it get

Bianca's pov

I took a bottle of water out of the cabinet as I'm not yet allowed to take chilled and carbonated drinks.

My mind wondered on who could have saved me back then at the office.

Could it have been Raphael? Molotov? Ivan? Definitely Stefano is not an option as I'm the least person on his mind right now.

I ruffled my bonned hair as my phone rings out.

"Babe! What the hell! Where the fuck have you been? Why didn't you pick your calls? Start talking before I come down myself and shove answers from your mouth" Claire screamed out on the other side of the phone.

I took the phone away from my ears to avoid the blockage of my eardrums. I checked the previous notifications only to see 34 missed calls. I mean if not Claire who would have done that? A normal person would have tried twice and rest but not my Cynic Friend. I chuckled silently at her outburst at me.

"I'm sorry babe... My phone was on silence" I said calmly trying to calm her ass down

"Don't give us that bullshit... The last I checked, Bianca and phone are best of friends... Always updated on latest trends in town" Tirana interjected from the other end... Oops I didn't know she was there too

" T baby... I'm sorry" I said faking a sad voice in which I trust they didn't buy at all.

"But guess what" I said again before they could retort trying to divert their mind.

" Don't guess us anything... Spill it ... What happened?" Tirana said in an annoying tone. I went silent.

"Common, I don't want to talk about it yet... I'll tell you girls later" I said quietly hoping for them to understand.

"So there's really something... Okay fine... What's the guess?" Claire reasoned letting it go

"I went to the GALA"

" GALA??? As in fucking GALA? For reallll... OhmyGod I can't believe this..." Tirana shrieked in a bubbling tone... I could hear Claire giggling at other side of the phone too.

" How was it? I'm sure you met the Multi-Billonaires there... I mean the Elite Men... Ohmyyyy... What happened? Start spilling now" Claire said in an exciting voice.

" Claire soon enough Ryder will take you to one as pleased, Tirana... Stop sounding as if you've never been there...hell we all know the almighty Tirana Dawson has been invited back to back to the GALAs" I squinted my face at her exaggerating voice as my phone beeped.

" Okay guys I'll talk to you later... A message just popped on my phone concerning my designs" I said to them

" Alright girl... Put in your best" Claire said

" We'll always root for you" Tirana added

" Bye... I love you girls" I said with a smile

" We love you too bitch" they both chorused. I chuckled

I opened the message 'Ms. Bennett, tomorrow is the due date for the submission of your design' ohmy...

Fuck! I got up from the couch and rushed to my room to take a quick bath .

I put on a simple peach Chevron and black jean to go with it.

I applied a simple nude make up and moist my lips a little.

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