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 An abomination

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 An abomination.

That is how I have been seen from the minute I discovered that I could do magic. My father hated me because I could do magic, he saw me as a monster unless he needed me to help, using me for the thing that made him hate me, magic. Most witches see me as one too because I did not possess my own. Instead, I can only take magic from others.

Most of my life, my brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, had always been the ones that were there for me, but I kept my magic a secret from them. Scared that they would turn away from me when they did learn of it, the same as everyone else in my life had. My brothers are the only ones left in my life who hadn't died or turned their backs on me or at least they were until Katherine Pierce arrived on their doorsteps. As soon as that woman arrived, I became invisible to my brothers as if I had never even existed in the first place. One night that changed my life, made me feel more of an abomination, like the monster my father always saw me.

 One night that changed my life, made me feel more of an abomination, like the monster my father always saw me

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---------------------------September 25, 1864-----------------------------

Slamming of doors and yelling echoing through the house wakes me. Normally I would just turn over and try to block it out but tonight, something made me get out of bed and investigate the disturbance. By the time I had reached the door of my room, the sound of many people rushing down the stairs and towards our front door is the only sound that could be heard. Stefan rushes out the house with our father not far behind him, the only difference was out father was carrying his gun. Neither had noticed me standing in the shadows in our house. I ran after the two, worried for Stefan safety. When it came to our father, there was no telling what would happen.

I had lost sight of Stefan but not my father. I continued to follow him until he stops at the edge of the cliff by the roads edge. I move forward to see what he was looking at, in the distance stood Damon and Stefan trying to open the back of a police carriage. While I try to figure out what was happening, I had failed to notice our father loading his gun until two shots went off making my ears ring.

I bend over, covering my ears until I finally regain my bearings and notice that my father was gone from his spot. I look over to where my brothers were, all I could see was something left on the road, but the carriage is gone. I rush forward to look to see what is in the road only to realize that it was Damon and Stefan. I hold myself against a tree as a cover my mouth with my other hand to stop myself from screaming out as I look at the scene in front of me.

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