Chapter 15 - Hybrids and Prophecies

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I look around at my surroundings and see nothing but darkness in the dead of night

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I look around at my surroundings and see nothing but darkness in the dead of night. I start sprinting forward, going deeper into the forest. I can hear multiple footsteps following after me and I push myself to go faster. I eventually have to slow down than stop too weak to go any further.

I lean against a tree and look down at my stomach. Blood is still rushing out of where I had been stabbed with a stake. I could feel a piece of the stake, still inside me which is stopping me from healing.

I barely had any blood in my system to begin with and all this bleeding wasn't helping me, but I didn't have time to stop like this.

I push myself off the tree and start running again, trying to figure out where to go. I trip over a tree root, stumbling forward and without thinking, a loud cry of terror escapes out my mouth.

I look around quickly before getting up, ignoring all the pain in my body and keep running forward. I can hear my heart beating so loudly in my ears that I battle to hear anything else.

Panic begins to set in, and fear coursed through my veins as I hear the footsteps getting closer, but I keep running. I run with every ounce of strength I could summon as this was the only way I could escape.

I see a clearing up ahead and I push towards it with a final burst of energy. I rush towards it hoping this could be my escape, but I have no idea what I would find. As I reach the clearing, all my hopes slowly fade. All the clearing is, is a dead end.

I turn around quickly, hoping that I could make it out of the clearing before they catch me. As I go to make a run for it, one by one they start to appear into the clearing.

"Please! Just let me go! Please!" I beg but I get silence in return as they walk forward.

Suddenly a sharp pain explodes in my brain causing me to drop to my knees, crying out in pain.

"Stop! I am begging you!" I yell out to them as my tears run down my face.

I hold my hands to my head, trying to focus on siphoning the magic but I am too weak to do it. I look up as a young woman walks towards me with a grace in her step and I know exactly who she is.

"Josephine" I spit out with the blood that is collecting in my mouth. Josephine pulls a stake out from behind her, and she continues to walk towards me.

"Do it. Get it over with. Stick it straight through my heart." I say with a manic smile as I feel my sanity start to slip.

"You shall not die by our hand. It has been declared so by the ancestors." Josephine says in a calm voice.

She stabs the stake through my soft plate of my jaw into my brain which makes me scream out before everything goes black.

She stabs the stake through my soft plate of my jaw into my brain which makes me scream out before everything goes black

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