Chapter 22 - Unlinking and Unraveling

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I wake up in an entanglement of limbs around me

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I wake up in an entanglement of limbs around me. I just lay there smiling though as I enjoy the feeling of being between the two of them. All I want is to here, away from all our problems in this moment of bliss. I look up to see Klaus watching me.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask him, smiling a little at him.

"I was. You looked almost peaceful. Almost angel like. It kind of made me forget about the actual you." Klaus tells me smirking.

"The actual me?" I ask, trying to hide my smile.

"The devil that hides behind her halo. The eye-rolling, protective she-devil that you are." He tells me.

I try to act offended, but it doesn't last as I just end up laughing.

"I feel like I should be upset but I just can't because it is all the truth." I say through my laugh.

I feel movement behind me which makes me look over my shoulder at Elijah who is now also watching me as well.

I bite my lip before giving a quick peck on both Elijah and Klaus's lips while untangling myself from them. I crawl my way out of bed but both of them try to grab my ankles as I do. I evade them successfully and make it out of bed.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed with the two of you. I am starving and don't know where anything in this house is." I add, standing in front of them.

I look at them and see they are not listening, instead they are just staring at me, well more accurately they are staring at my naked body. I roll my eyes and pick up a shirt by my feet and put in on, buttoning it all the way up.

"I am also going to need some clothes unless you want walking around here like this." I say, spinning around showing them my outfit.

Elijah gives me an amused smile while getting out of bed as well

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Elijah gives me an amused smile while getting out of bed as well. He puts on his pants before walking past me and leaning down, giving me kiss.

"I shall go find you something to wear." Elijah tells me as walks to the door but looks at Klaus before he leaves, "Niklaus watch her, make sure she doesn't wander around the house in her current attire."

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