Chapter 28 - The Fallout

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I stand in Klaus's art room as run my hands over his paintings when I hear Rebekah enter the room behind me

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I stand in Klaus's art room as run my hands over his paintings when I hear Rebekah enter the room behind me. I pick up a sketch that Klaus had done of me as Rebekah stands next to me, looking over the art with me. Neither of us saying a word to each other.

Rebekah picks one up and begins to choke up. She throws the picture down and knocks the rest of them off the table in a fit of rage but I just stand there, letting her grieve while I look at a half-done sketch that I had picked up.

I hear another person enter the room behind us and Rebekah speaks to them, "You should know better than to sneak up on a lady."

"Good advice. Have you seen one?" Damon says.

"You are not welcome here, Damon." I say, not turning around or greeting him.

Rebekah turns to face him while I place the sketches I hold down back on the table and turn to him as well.

"Tragic about Elena. Not to make a grey cloud greyer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?" Rebekah snips at him.

Rebekah turns back around to me and goes to say something to me but Damon vamps to her with the white oak stake in hand.

I vamp forward, catching his wrist, stopping him from killing her. I shove him back, sending him flying into a dresser behind him.

"Haven't you done enough?!" I asks him, giving him a dirty look.

Damon goes to reply but bullets start being shot through the window. One hits me in the shoulder and that when I realize they are using wooden bullets. Before I could do anything, Damon grabs my arm and vamps me out of there.

He vamps us into the woods behind the Mikaelson house and when he come to a stop, I yank my arm out Damon's grip.

"You can't just leave us alone!" I yell out at him.

"I just saved your life. You think you would be grateful." Damon says to me.

"Like you were the hundreds of times I saved yours? because all I remember is I saved your life countless times and you are the reason Klaus is dead." I spit out at him as I try figure out where we are.

I walk in on direction for a while until I find a road as I step out onto the road, Damon starts speaking again.

"It was never my intention for Klaus to die. I just wanted Elena safe." He tells me.

"Yeah, Well. She was safer with Klaus alive." I tell him.

"Stefan told me that when Klaus died you said to him an eye for an eye. What did you mean?" Damon asks as he follows me.

"What I meant is, you got the man I loved killed so I will get the woman the two of you love, killed." I state to him.

"You are the reason Rebekah killed Elena?" Damon asks me, following behind me.

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