Chapter 8 - A Game of Shots and Secrets

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As I place another shirt into my bag, I hear shouting and screaming coming from across the hallway

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As I place another shirt into my bag, I hear shouting and screaming coming from across the hallway. Without thinking I drop the shirt and vamp across the hallway into Stefan's room. As I get there, I roll my eyes at the scene in front of me.

"What was the point of daggering Elijah if you are just gonna kill Elena, Stefan?"

My brothers turn to me with confused looks on their faces.

"Katherine" I greet the doppelganger standing behind Damon.

"You spoilt my fun, Phoebe."

"Yeah, well I am not in the mood for your games, Kat."

I walk out the room and back to my room as I finish what I was doing.

I walk out the room and back to my room as I finish what I was doing

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I zip up my last bag when I hear banging on the front door. I vamp downstairs, opening the door and there stands Delilah and Kelsey.

"Oh My God! What are doing here?" I ask as I pull them into a group hug.

"When we last spoke, you told us you felt like something bad was coming and then we didn't hear from you in a few days-" Delilah is cut off by Kelsey.

"So, we hoped a plane. Ready to kick the asses of those, who need of it."

I laugh at them before inviting them into the house. As they come inside, Damon and Katherine come up from the basement but they both stop when they see Delilah and Kelsey. My smile drops off my face when I see them.

"Kelsey and Delilah, this is Damon and Katherine." I introduce.

After that, I turn and walk back to my room with Delilah and Kelsey following after me, both confused at my behaviour. As we get to my room, I close the door behind us as they look around the room.

"Pheebs, what is going on? What was with the cold attitude towards your brother? I thought you had a good relationship with Damon." Delilah asks as she walks forward gentle placing my hand on my shoulder.

"I think the more important questions is, where the fuck are you going?" Kelsey asks while showing my packed bags, that were hidden next to the bed.

They both look at me with expectant looks, waiting for me to answer the question.

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