Chapter 20 - Confronting the Past, Facing the Future

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I am woken by loud screaming, echoing through the house

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I am woken by loud screaming, echoing through the house. I open my eyes and feel a pair of arms wrapped around me, holding me as a voice attached to those arms tries to calm me which making me realize that the screaming is coming from me.

I take a breath, trying to stop my screaming.

Delilah, Kelsey and Ezra all rush into my room but they stop at the door when they see me calm and in Elijah's arms.

Each turn and leave the room, letting me and Elijah be alone.

"I am okay." I tell Elijah as I move my arm across my body and place a hand on his arm, trying to reassure him.

"What were you dreaming about that got you so worked up?" Elijah asks me as he continues to hold me against his bare chest with his arms wrapped around me.

"When I was stuck with the witches in New Orleans before they figured out how to bine my magic, they would do all these spells on me to get me to break. There was this one spell that would pretty much make me face my deepest fears while forcing me to look into the darkest parts of myself and darkest version of myself. It was mental torture that messed with my mind deeply. When I sleep, that same mind likes to remind me of moments such as those." I whisper out to him.

Elijah strokes his hand down my arm as he listens to me. Elijah leans back, bringing me with him so that I am laying against his chest.

"I can't believe that you are actually here." I tell him softly as I start to trace patterns on his chest.

Elijah has gone to meet with Damon, so I figure now is the best time for me to go see Klaus and talk to him

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Elijah has gone to meet with Damon, so I figure now is the best time for me to go see Klaus and talk to him.

I walk into his newly built house, wondering if he is even here.

"Klaus!" I yell out, not wanting to have to look all over the house for him.

I walk into one of the side rooms and finding him standing there, staring straight ahead into the fireplace.

"I was calling for you, Klaus." I tell him as I walk towards him.

"I heard you." He says before draining the rest of his drink.

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