Chapter 34 - Secrets Revealed and Alliances Broken

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I lay on the couch pretending to read as I actually watch Klaus paint

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I lay on the couch pretending to read as I actually watch Klaus paint.

As he steps back from the painting, I put the book down and try hide my laugh as I ask, "Running low of inspiration?"

He looks at his painting than towards me, "Why do you say that?"

"Because It's a snowflake." I point out.

Klaus picks up his paintbrush again, looking towards the painting when Stefan walks into the room.

"Looks like a giant snowflake." Stefan tells Klaus as he moves my feet up to sit next to me.

Klaus turns towards the two of us with a dirty look as I try to suppress my laughter.

"Thank you Salvatores for pointing that out. I prefer to think of it as an expression of postmodernism. It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland charity event." Klaus barks at us.

One of Klaus's hybrids walks into the room as Stefan grabs my book from my hand. Stefan looks at the book with brows raised while I smile before snatching my book back.

The hybrid grimaces before walking over and picking up the painting as he leaves the room I shout to him, "Please tell Daniel that I need his help with something later."

The hybrid grunts in response before leaving.

Klaus walks over and takes a seat across from us, "What brings you to us, Stefan?" he asks as he does.

"Elena is sired to Damon." Stefan says.

"We figure as much a while ago." I tell him in a duh-tone.

"Speaking of. When did you figure out that she was sired?" Klaus asks as he leans forward.

"The night of Miss Mystic Falls." Stefan says, looking towards me confused as Klaus smirks at me.

"Phoebe didn't tell you? I mean its why we went to New Orleans." Stefan adds, which makes me close my eyes and sigh out before punching him in the arm.

"You went to New Orleans and didn't tell me?" Klaus asks, his smirk falls as anger appears in his eyes in its place.

"If I told you that I was going to New Orleans than you would have told me that I wasn't allowed to go or tried to stop me from going." I tell him back as I get up from my seat.

"Of course, I would have Phoebe!" he snaps at me, getting from his seat as well and standing in front of me, "New Orleans witches have made your life a living hell. They have been hunting you for most of your life. They are the reason you fear to close your eyes at night, the reason you hear those damn voices in your head. They are the reason-"

I cut him off before he can continue, "They are the reason I am the person I am today. The person standing right in front of you, the person you love, was made by the hard times and shitty things they did. They hurt me in ways you don't even know about, but I am done hiding and running from them. I am tired of letting them control my life. I refuse to hide from those who wish to hurt me any longer."

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