Chapter 11 - Descent into Darkness

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Tonight is the full moon

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Tonight is the full moon. Which means by tonight all of this will done with and I will be free.

Kelsey is hanging out with Caroline to make sure to keep an eye on Matt for me which means I am on my own for the rest of the day.

I make my way over to the Grill so I can get a drink to clear my head of all the things running around in it. As I walk into the grill, I see Caroline, Kelsey and Matt sitting at a table. I go to the table where they are, standing between Caroline and Kelsey and smile at all of them.

"Hello lovelies and Matt." I greet.

"Phoebe! We were just talking about you." Caroline says.

I look between Kelsey and Matt.

"What exactly were you talking about?"

Kelsey speaks this time, "Nothing much, I was just telling her how I met you."

I smile before giving a little laugh, "Well if I didn't need a drink before I do now."

Caroline looks at me though, "So it's true?"

"My meeting of Kelsey was definitely something. An accident if I might add. I am just putting it out there."

"So, what exactly happened because Kelsey would only tell us so much." Caroline says, excited to hear more about the story.

"I was going through my vigilante phase. Finding people that were attacking others and feeding on them. I had happened upon a guy who was attacking a girl in an alley, and I pushed him off her but in stupidity I told her to run without compelling her to forget. So, she ran into the street, screaming for help and Kelsey being the person she is. She goes into the alley to come help. She could only make out our shadows in the darkness of the alley so it looked like he was attacking me. Kelsey ran full speed at us, jumping on the back of who she thought was the attacker and struggled with them. In the middle of the struggle, Kelsey bit the attacker, but you see I was the person she was attacking. I was freaked and threw her against the wall which ended up killing her. When I went to check for her pulse, I saw the blood on her mouth and immediately knew she would be in transition soon. I picked up her body, took her home and the rest is history." I say, telling them the whole story.

Caroline looks like she is somewhere between laughing or being in shock while Matt is in full shock and Kelsey just laughs at the story.

"I am going to leave you guys with that and get back to what I came here for." I say, smiling before I go to the bar.

I sit the bar and order a drink while surveying the surroundings. A few minutes later, Caroline leaves and Kelsey is following behind her but stops when she sees Matt, go take a seat by the sheriff. Kelsey meets my glaze and I nod her to follow Caroline and I discreetly listen to Matt and the sheriff's conversation.

 Kelsey meets my glaze and I nod her to follow Caroline and I discreetly listen to Matt and the sheriff's conversation

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