Chapter 38 - Unearthing Family Secrets

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Just as I predicted, the group came back to town and my little piece of peace was shattered

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Just as I predicted, the group came back to town and my little piece of peace was shattered. But with Delilah and Kelsey out of town, I could do what I needed without fearing they may come after them.

As I trail through town square with a milkshake in one hand, my phone buzzes loudly in my pocket making everyone around me look in my direction.

I roll my eyes at them as I grab my phone and see it's Damon.

Hello, big brother.

You are awfully chipper. Thought you would be rather angry and out for blood since Kol died.

Oh, I will be getting that, but I had a rather amazing night. So, if you want a favor it is best to ask now before my mood spoils.

Good to know. I do need your help.

What can I do for you?

I am still on this damn island.

Well, the rest of the Scooby gang is back. Safe and sound. Well as much as they can be. Stefan stopped by this morning, ruining my on-core from last night, to inform us of what has happened.

Jeez, Bea. Filter. So, you know Katherine stole the cure and killed baby Gilbert?

I do. Karma really is a bitch, huh?

Focus, Phoebe. According to a friend I made, a wolf girl was Katherine's person on the inside for our little trip. When I thought of what wolf girl he could mean, the only name I could come up with is..


And just like that my good mood was gone. I sigh.

I will find her and find out what she knows.

Good. I just have to find Bonnie then I will be back to help with Elena.

Damon. A word of advice, I saw into Kol's mind and why he was so scared of Silas. Or at least pieces. Keep your mind fortified and watch Bonnie carefully. The man knows how to mess with people's heads.

Don't worry about me, dear sister. I got this.

I roll my eyes at him as I put my phone back into my pocket as I throw my half drank milkshake in the bin near me before vamping off.

I roll my eyes at him as I put my phone back into my pocket as I throw my half drank milkshake in the bin near me before vamping off

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