Chapter 3 - Confrontations and Compromises

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If someone had told me a month or even a week ago that I would where I am now, I probably would have called them crazy and then killed them

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If someone had told me a month or even a week ago that I would where I am now, I probably would have called them crazy and then killed them. Yet here I am, in the car with Damon on our way to stop Elena from giving herself over to a bunch of vampires.

As we pull up to an apartment building in the middle of the city, I turn to Damon, "Tell me again how you plan to stop her? I mean how do you plan on swaying her from sacrificing herself?"

"By telling her to get her human ass into the car or I will put her in it by force." He tells me before climbing out the car.

"Great. Sounds like this is going to be a long day after all." I say, opening the door of the car and getting out.

As we make our way towards the apartment that Rose and Elena are hiding out in, I feel the need to ask, "How the hell did I let myself get roped into playing hero with you again?"

"Because you wouldn't want your big brother to get hurt or worse die" He says in a mocking tone which earns him a smack to his head.

We enter the apartment and there was no Rose in sight, but Elena stands in the living room, talking to another woman that I don't know. Damon sneaks up behind Elena, causing her to yelp when she sees him. This leads to an argument between the two of them, about what Damon is doing her, which Rose gets pulled into when she enters the room.

"You called him?" Elena yells at Rose. Rose tries to apologize to Elena, but it doesn't get her far with Elena.

"You said that you understood!" is the response Rose gets from Elena.

"She lied." Damn says, trying to defend Rose.

All this shouting seems to bring them to the attention of the other girl, who seems star struck by Damon when she sees him.

"Damon Salvatore!" she says causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.

"Get rid of her." Damon tells Rose.

The girl seems to protest but Rose grabs her arm, pulling her into one of the side rooms.

Seeing this I pip up, "What's with the fan girl Damon?"

Damon sends me a glare which makes me smirk before he turns back to Elena.

"Come on. We're leaving." He says.

"No, I'm not going with you." Elena replies.

"You do not get to make decisions anymore."

"When have I ever made a decision? You and Stefan do that for me. Now this, this is my decision."

Watching them argue makes me really wish I had popcorn or a blood bag but since I had neither I get bored of their bickering and step forward, speaking "Well I can see why you don't get to make decisions Elena because this decision was bad one, like a really bad one. I mean who is gonna save you the next time you make a decision if you get us all killed with your previous decisions?"

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