Chapter 18 - A Dangerous Game of Bluff

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I stare at the screen of my phone, tapping my fingers on the back of it as I try make up my mind on what I should do

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I stare at the screen of my phone, tapping my fingers on the back of it as I try make up my mind on what I should do.

My phone is yanked from my hand, I look up to see Kelsey smirking at my phone as she starts to do something on it.

"You will thank me some day." Kelsey tells me before she hands me back my phone, showing me the screen.

Klaus ♡  ringing....

I look at Kelsey with wide eyes but she just smirks and walks away from me. I try to end the call but it is already connected. I swear under my breath before putting it to my ear.

Love? You there?

Yes I am here.

Good. What do I owe this call?

I say nothing, unsure of how to answer.

Is something the matter, Phoebe?

No, nothing is the matter. Maybe, I just wanted to hear your voice.

Are you actually admitting that you miss me?

I roll my eyes at his tone.

I can hear you rolling your eyes through the phone.

This makes me smile a little.

I wouldn't need to roll my eyes so hard if you wouldn't say things in that tone.

If you say so, but I know that something ought to have happened for you to willingly phone me and admit that you miss me. So, I shall ask again, What has happened, my love?

I sigh, knowing he had seen right through me.

Didn't realize I am so transparent with my actions.

You aren't but I have spent enough time with you to have figured out at least some things about you. So out with it.

I had an incident yesterday and those I live with think that talking with you will somehow raise my spirits.

I am liking these friends of yours more and more. When you mean incident, you mean-

Like the ones I had at the beginning of the summer. I don't wish to talk about that though. How is your wolf hunt going?

I have found many wolves and my hybrids army grows steadily. Does your brother still plot my death?

I assume so. My closeness with your family has gotten me uninvited to the plotting of schemes. They also seem to have Stefan locked up somewhere, trying to get him to flip it back on.

Your brother is quite bothersome with his need to interfere with my plans.

Stubborn is the word you are looking for. It is a Salvatore trait.

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