Chapter 32 - Secrets, Sensations, and Salvatore Siblings

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My phone lights up the room, buzzing like crazy on the nightstand

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My phone lights up the room, buzzing like crazy on the nightstand. I lean over grabbing it which makes Klaus tighten his arm that is around waist.



Caroline? Why are you calling me?

It's Miss Mystic Falls today.

What has this got to do with me?

You are a founding family and Carol has asked for you to attend.

Tell her I am going to pass. Watching girls prance around in dresses doesn't sound particularly fun to me.

Come on, Phoebe. Stefan and Elena broke up and I have both them coming. You can come watch that for entertainment.

I sit up but Klaus tightens his grip more, keeping me from leaving the bed.

They broke up? How is Stefan doing?

He is trying to throw himself into things, so he doesn't go around tearing into people's throats. So, are you coming?

Yeah I will be there.

Great! Two pm. Don't be late!

I end the call as lay back down as Klaus moves closer to me, moving me into his chest.

"Where are you going?" he mumbles out into my neck.

"The Miss Mystic Falls pageant." I tell him as I roll over to face him, combing my hands through his hair.

"Shall I will accompany you?" He asks me.

"Like be my date?" I ask him.

"Yes. You are definitely owed a date after everything."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Is a real date or a ploy to spy on my brothers and the rest of them?"

"No ploys this time. Just you and me. Enjoying each other's accompany."

I watch his face closely as he speaks before smiling at him.

"Great! We need to be there at two p.m. and I have enough clothes so don't you dare buy me anything." I tell him as I wiggly out of his hold, giving him a chased kiss as I climb out of bed.

"Yet you complain when I rip up your clothes. Always saying that you are running out of them." he yells after me as I leave the room.

I smirk as strut down the hall and towards one of closets I deemed mine when I started to live here. This feeling like I am walking on air makes me smile as I look through my closet for a dress.

 This feeling like I am walking on air makes me smile as I look through my closet for a dress

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