Chapter 24 - Unwanted Spectator

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I wake up and sit up when I notice that I am alone in bed which makes me look around the room to find my bed partner

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I wake up and sit up when I notice that I am alone in bed which makes me look around the room to find my bed partner.

Instead, my eyes land on Elijah, who is sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, watching me.

"You know its creepy to watch someone sleep." I tell him as I get out of bed.

Elijah looks at me for a moment before looking away which makes me look down and realize that I am still fully naked. I walk forward until I am standing in front of Elijah, putting my hands on the arms of the chair he is sitting on.

I move my one hand to his face, moving it so that he is looking into my eyes. As look into his eyes, I see his emotions fly through them which makes me sigh and move my hand back to the arm of the chair.

"I want to put everything that has happened in the past and just move forward with you by my side. But as long as you hold onto it and don't forgive yourself or me. We will never be able to do that." I tell him softly.

Rebekah walks into the room, talking as me and Elijah stare at each other.

"Klaus said I could find you in here." But she stops as she looks at the scene in front of her, "Am I interrupting something?" Rebekah asks, looking between me and Elijah.

I look at Elijah once more before standing up straight and looking at Rebekah.

"No. What did you need?" I ask, giving her a small smile.

"I need information from the locals and since they seem to like you..." Rebekah says, trailing off at the end.

"Yeah, I will help you with them. Just going to need to borrow some more clothes." I say, gesturing to my naked state.

"Lucky for you. One of your friends dropped this off earlier." Rebekah says throwing a bag at my feet.

"Well, let me just get dressed than we can go." I say, walking into the bathroom with the bag in my hand.

" I say, walking into the bathroom with the bag in my hand

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