Chapter 30 - Secrets and Lies, and Hunters in Chains

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I stare at Conner, the hunter, as he is chained to a cross in front of me

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I stare at Conner, the hunter, as he is chained to a cross in front of me. Conner glares and spews insults at me but I just watch him, not reacting which seems to just make him angrier.

Daniel stands in the corner of the room as Klaus has threatened him with torture if he leaves my side.

"You are nothing but a blood sucking monster." He shouts at me.

I raise my eyebrows at him as I look up from my book.

"Insults like that don't work on me. I like being seen as a monster, tends to keep those who want to kill me away." I tell him as I get up. I circle around him as look over his aura.

I can't focus on searching his aura while being watched. I huff out and look over at Daniel.

"Will you just sit down." I snap at Daniel.

Daniel looks at me unsure and I roll my eyes at him.

"I am not asking you to leave the room. Just sit down and stop being so grumpy." I instruct him.

Daniel moves forward and sits in the chair next to one I was sitting in a moment ago. Once he is sitting, I turn back to Conner and my search through is aura and magic.

"Interesting." I mutter as I move my hand towards him.

"What are you doing?" Conner asks as he looks at my hand with confusion.

"Checking your magic." I tell him.

"Magic?" he asks me as he watches me but I just ignore him and look from one of his arms to the other.

I hear movement by the door, but I ignore it before I speak to Daniel.

"Daniel. Please inform Klaus that we have a guest." I say as I look over my shoulder to Daniel.

Daniel looks at me confused but gets up from his seat, leaving the room to find Klaus.

A moment later, Klaus walks into the room, dramatically opening the door as he does. He walks through the room and stands next me by Conner before speaking, "Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail."

"God no." I mutter out.

Stefan walks out of the shadows at the side of the room, "I was gonna take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain."

I look at Klaus with fascination and a smile, "You have a red room of pain?"

Klaus shoots me a look which makes my smile bigger, but Klaus speaks to Stefan, ignoring me.

"It's from the Inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch." Klaus says, proud of himself as he looks at Conner with a smirk.

"What'd you get out of him?" Stefan asks us.

"Not enough. He's mum about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. Phoebe was supposed to be getting him to cough up more information."

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