Chapter 39 - Cunning Manipulations

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I look around the quaint town that reminds me an awful lot of Mystic Falls, checking my phone as I wait for Elijah

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I look around the quaint town that reminds me an awful lot of Mystic Falls, checking my phone as I wait for Elijah.

My phone rings and I look down quickly, only to see it is Stefan.

Hello, Stefan.

My voice dripping in disappointment.

Well, don't you seem enthusiastic.

Sorry just been a long night of travelling and I was waiting for another call. What's up, little bro?

You're not in Mystic Falls?

Nope, left yesterday morning. Why I decide to drive and not fly, I will never know.

Damn it. Neither am I and they need help with something.

Well, tell me the problem and maybe I can help from here.

Trying to figure all this stuff with Silas out. It seems he has followed us from the island.

Klaus is still there, and I know he can help you guys out. Tell them to get over their pettiness and go get his help.


You wanted my help and that is what I recommend. Talk later!

I hang up and walk down the street, annoyed.

My phone rings again and I stop, answering it.

Hello, Beks.


Elena? Why do you have Rebekah's phone?

We are on a road trip of sorts. We stole Damon's car and are on the hunt for the cure so your brothers can't use it on me.

I heard you turned it off. Good luck with that but I don't see how I have anything to do with this?

We have a list of possible locations, and we are sitting on our third dud and...

There is a muffled noise and Rebekah's voice comes through the phone instead.

We were hoping you could help us find Katherine.



I am not helping Elena with this.

C'mon Phoebe. Think of this as helping me out and not Elena.

I think for a moment before sighing.

Fine. I will send you her location.

You know where she is?

It's a long story. I have sent it.

There is silence for a moment before Rebekah talks again.

Ha! That was our next location. We aren't that far from there actually.

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