Chapter 7 - A Night of Deception and Betrayal

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For the first time, in a long time, I actually slept and for longer than my normal two or three hours

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For the first time, in a long time, I actually slept and for longer than my normal two or three hours. No nightmares plagued me either during this sleep, nothing but sleep came over me. My fragile sleep was broken when a banging on my bedroom door pulled me from it.

I sit up in bed, looking around me trying to figure out what is happening. Jenna opens the door before I can get out of my bed. I look at Jenna as she does.

"I was sleeping" I say, not even questioning why she is in my room.

"That is what people normally do." Jenna looks at me with a concerned look, ''You're not dressed?"

"Right." I say focusing on the matter at hand, "Jenna what are doing here?"

"We came to fetch you. Remember? You promised to help me with giving the tour."

I nod my head vaguely remembering that conversation from yesterday,


"Elijah. The writer."

I look at her with wide eyes, blinking my eyes.

"Oh, right. I will be down in a second, just need to get dressed."

Jenna nods her head before leaving my room.


I get up and sort through my clothing looking for something to wear as quickly as I could.

I walk downstairs to find Elijah and Jenna waiting for me by the front door while Damon seems to be ignoring their existence in the study

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I walk downstairs to find Elijah and Jenna waiting for me by the front door while Damon seems to be ignoring their existence in the study. Rolling my eyes at Damon's behavior, I go to greet Elijah and Jenna instead of dealing with Damon's mood.

Elijah sees me over Jenna shoulder, he looks me up and down as he does, and I can see the edge of his mouth lift. Jenna notices Elijah looking at something over her shoulder and turns to see what he was looking at.

"Perfect, you're ready! Let's get going then, Elijah wants to see the historical sights and then a tour of the property lines." Jenna says as she walks away and out the house.

As I go to follow Jenna and Elijah walks closely behind me whispering, "I think this is the first time I have seen you in shoes that don't have some sort of heel to them."

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