Chapter 33 - Sire Bonds and Family Ties

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New Orleans is my least favorite city

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New Orleans is my least favorite city.

To be fair it has nothing to do with the actual city but more the memories I have of being in the city.

As I walk down the street, I remember just how beautiful New Orleans is if you take away the crazy witches and all the terrible things that has happened to me here.

"Phoebe! You coming?" Damon shouts at me as he walks through the people in the streets.

I nod at him, following him as Stefan walks in pace with me.

"You didn't have to come." He tells me with a sad smile.

"I am fine. I can't let you two be running around in New Orleans without supervision. Especially when witches are involved." I tell him as I take in a breath.

Stefan nods before he picks up his pace towards Damon while I continue to hang back, watching the people in the crowded street.

A guy leaning against a building stares at me, I let my eyes settle on the guy so I could see his aura. His winey colored aura hugs him closely as another man walks over to him whispering which makes me realize this man is not only a vampire but is surrounded by vampire that are ranging in ages.

I walk quicker, catching up to Stefan and Damon.

Stefan is talking as I find them, matching their pace, "As much as I hate this sire bond thing, I shouldn't take it out on you. It's not really your fault."

"Well, don't get all warm and fuzzy on me yet." Damon replies.

"Well as touching as this whole thing is" I say, waving my hand between the two of them. "Let's find this witch before the local vampires decide to cause trouble."

"Scared, dear sister?" Damon asks smirking.

"Of course not. As much as I would love a fight and some killing, if we want to be successful in our mission than it is best not to draw unnecessary attention, Brother." I explain with a sarcastic smile.

Damon stops walking and looks up at a building which makes Stefan and me stop as well, "This is where the witch lived."

"And you were expecting for her to still be here after all these years?" I ask as I look over the building.

"No. But since I couldn't remember where the store was, figured it'd give us a start." Damon tells us as he gives me a dirty look.

"Brilliant." I mutter.

"Maybe there's another place to start. You think Charlotte might be in New Orleans?" Stefan asks Damon.

Damon avoids eye contact as he mutters, "Yeah, maybe."

"And where was the last place you saw this Charlotte?" I ask, smugly.

"Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. Kind of told her to count every brick in every building in New Orleans and that I'd meet her at the corner." Damon pauses as he looks between Stefan and I before continuing, "I was gone by morning."

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