Chapter 12 - A Heretic's Deal with the Devil

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That is one word to describe my life.

I have spent my whole life learning to be in control.

Control of my emotions.

Control of my actions.

Control of my magic.

Yet after one night, all the things I had learnt have completely disappeared.

I get full access to my magic but without knowing how to control it, there was nothing I could do with it. I spend almost two days in the forest, losing control over and over again. While Elijah tries to help me the whole time, I eventually pass out at some point.

When I wake up, I am in someone's arms. I look up and see Elijah, holding me while watching Klaus trots around in his wolf form. Elijah notices I am awake and looks down at me.

"You had me worried. Your lack of sleep mixed with your body getting all that magic seems to have been too much." Elijah says, explaining it to me.

I sit up and lean against his chest, "I haven't slept in a very long time. I guess that's going to have to change now." I say out loud to myself.

Elijah places a kiss to the side of my head, "How do you feel?"


We watch Klaus as he changes back, this makes Elijah gently remove himself from behind me and go to Klaus with clothes in hand.

"That was amazing. How long has it been?" Klaus asks, grabbing the clothes from Elijah.

"Almost 2 days. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf."

"I can change at will, then. It's good to know. I remember every single kill."

Klaus is finishes getting dressed as Elijah says, "You've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain."

"That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah. I remember. You wish to be reunited with our family."

"You gave me your word, Niklaus." Elijah says irritation present in this tone and eyes.

"What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me."

This make Elijah let out a fed-up sigh, "I could have. But I didn't."

Klaus smirks, "And now no one can. Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven."

He looks around Elijah, at me, "Hello, little heretic."

Elijah moves to block his view of me, "Where are they?"

Klaus's smirk grows bigger, "You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough."

He walks around Elijah and comes to a stop in front of me. He offers me his hand, "Come on, lets get you some blood."

I take it and he helps me stand up.

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