Chapter 27 - An Eye for an Eye

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I wake up and see Rebekah standing over me

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I wake up and see Rebekah standing over me. I sit up, rubbing my neck as I look around me.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"That little shit, Tyler, broke your neck." Rebekah says to me.

"Where is Klaus?" I ask her confused.

Rebekah stays quiet, not making eye contact. I vamp onto my feet and ask again, "Where is Klaus, Beks?"

"Your brothers and the rest of them have him." Rebekah answers.

My face falls but I put a mask in place preventing any emotion other than anger to show. I march out the room towards the front door, but Rebekah grabs my arm.

"What are you planning on doing?" Rebekah asks me.

"Fixing all our problems." I tell her.

"How do you plan to do that?" She asks me.

I look her directly in the eyes, knowing she could see the waves of anger in my eyes.

"Killing Elena." I state plainly.

"Elijah told me that we are not to kill anyone until he gets here, and I am to stop you from doing anything rash." Rebekah says.

I just look at her as a smirk spreads across her face.

"Elijah is to honourable to do what needs to be done. Whatever you have planned, count me in." Rebekah adds.

I smirk back at her as we start to plan.

Elijah and I walk onto the Gilbert porch

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Elijah and I walk onto the Gilbert porch. Elijah insisted I come along with him to make sure I stay out of trouble as he negotiates for Klaus back but it's fine with me because I have a partner in crime.

Elijah knocks on the front door, which Elena answers. She sees the both of us and her eyes widen as she calls out, "Stefan."

Stefan and Matt look towards us and I watch as each have a few emotions fly through their face but the main one being fear.

"Elijah. Phoebe." Stefan says.

"Hello again." Elijah says while I say nothing as I walk into the house, pushing past Elena.

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