Chapter 9 - Revelations and Ultimatums

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Sometimes not being able to sleep has it's perks

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Sometimes not being able to sleep has it's perks. At least that's what I am telling myself as I bring the fourth book of Grimoires into the house.

Once Delilah and Kelsey fell asleep, I spent the rest of the night going through spells to try figure out where the late Dr. Martin lived.

I eventually figured it out which is how I ended up with almost ten boxes of grimoires. They were the first things I saw when I entered their apartment other than the dead body laying in the middle of the room.

I immediately started to pack them up as I wasn't sure how long I had until Bonnie showed up for the same reasons, but I will be damned before I let her have them.

As I get the last box into the office, Caroline comes whirling down the stairs at a speed while on the phone.

Just as she passes the door of the office, I reach out grabbing her shoulder which forces her to stop. I pull her into the room as she hangs up on whoever she was on the phone with.

Caroline fidgets as she stands in front of me, it was obvious that something is wrong.

"What is wrong Caroline?"

"Well I am guessing Kelsey told you about the whole Matt finding out about vampires thing last night?"

I nod my head and gesture her to continue.

"Well, I woke up and realized what if he goes to my mom and tells her about me. She hates vampires."

I gentle grab Caroline's shoulders, "I won't let anything happen to you, okay? You are my friend Caroline and I always protect my friends. Do you want me to do a locator spell on Matt?"

Caroline gives me a small smile, "Thanks, Phoebe. For everything you have done for me but no it's fine, I will find him myself this time."

Caroline goes to leave the office, but I speak before she gets far.

"Promise me Caroline that you will be wary of Matt if you find out he went to your mother. Don't be blinded by your need to keep a friend that you miss that a fool is being made of you."

"I promise."

I give her a hopeful smile as she leaves.

I give her a hopeful smile as she leaves

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