Chapter 29 - Memories and Mysteries

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"Run!" Echoes through my head as I walk between the buildings

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"Run!" Echoes through my head as I walk between the buildings.

I turn the corner and end up on unfamiliar street with only the moonlight lighting it up, ignoring the yelling in my head.

I spin around to see as I start to feel uneasy, but there was nothing there is nothing behind me and I start to chalk it up to my paranoia.

I look around before shrugging it off and continue to walk, but the feeling still lingers. I try to ignore the feeling as I continue to walk but suddenly there is a noise behind.

I turn around again but this time I see a figure standing in the shadows at the other end of the street.

"Run!" the voices in my head yells again which makes my heart start to race.

I start to walk faster out of here, but I hear the sound of footsteps start to follow after me. They get closer and closer, but I don't dare look back, just keep moving forward.

The figure is gaining on me, and I knew that if I don't find a way out of this now, I won't escape.

I spot an alleyway to the side of me and quickly ducked into it, hoping the person didn't see me do it. I stand against the wall in the shadows, holding my breath as I hope I have lost them. I hear the figure running past me and I let out a sigh of relief, thinking that I am safe.

As I walk back out the alleyway into the street, I am slammed into the wall as a hand wraps around my throat. I try to siphon from the figure, but it doesn't work and neither does any of my spells that I mutter out.

"Magic won't work while those herbs are still in your system." The figure tells me.

I scratch and claw his hand as I try to get out of his grip.

The man steps closer out of the shadows and into the light which aluminates on his face.

I freeze as I see his face as he shows me his fangs and his vampire eyes.

The man reaches his other hand between us before pushing his hand into my chest and grasping my heart. I scream out as he does, trying to get his hand out of my chest but it is no use.

"I told you, Phee. There is no running from me."


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