Chapter 36 - Intimate Moments

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I stand at the door of the unknown house as Elijah holds the door open for me

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I stand at the door of the unknown house as Elijah holds the door open for me.

I walk into the house as I speak, "What exactly have you been doing here?"

"I had matters to attend too. Things that had been left when I came to Mystic Falls for Elena." He tells me.

"Yes, of course. A vague answer." I mutter, looking around at the house.

I put my bags by the stairs and spin around to face Elijah.

"What's fun to do around here?" I ask him.

Elijah shoots me a look and I smile.

"Depends on what you mean by fun. You know how I feel about your brand of 'fun'." Elijah says.

"At this point I will take anything that isn't always having to save people or be in danger of death."

"Speaking of anything new you want to tell me?" Elijah asks.

I look back at him, reading his face for some type of clue to what he was referring too but find none.

"Kol and Kelsey killed all the people who Klaus turned for Jeremy which was surprising to see those two team up but can't say they don't make sense." I tell him with a shrug.

"Phoebe..." Elijah says in a low tone.

I sigh and my shoulders dip.

"I passed out after doing a big, new spell. It isn't anything to stress over." I say to him.

"According to Klaus that isn't exactly what happened. I wish you would just be honest with me." Elijah says back, as he gives me his disapproving eyes and leaning against the wall before speaking again, "As much as I do admire the fact you are sticking up for my siblings with Niklaus, I would prefer if you didn't do it at the cost of your own health though."

"I will try harder in the future to put my differences aside when I need sleep." I say before asking, "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"What I want is for you to promise to put yourself head of others." He tells me.

"You know I can't promise that, not when it means those I love would be at risk. It's the same way you can't put yourself or anyone else over your family and although I wish you would put yourself first, I understand why you can't, and I would never ask you to change." I tell him with a small smile.

Elijah looks upset by what I had said but I wasn't going to apologize for it because if he wants me to be honest then this is what he is going to get.

I grab my bags off the floor and walk upstairs, leaving Elijah downstairs. I find an empty room and dump my bags on the bed before laying down next to them with my eyes closed.

I don't know how long I lay there but my mid races at a million miles per hour as I do. Every mistake I had made, every bad decision, every bad thing to happen to me flicker through my mind as though haunting me.

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