Chapter 25 - Sibling Bonds and Broken Trust

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"Klaus has always been one step ahead of us, but now we have the advantage

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"Klaus has always been one step ahead of us, but now we have the advantage. We're all armed, and they are all linked which means we only need to kill one of them. We need to seize the best opportunity, which means we need to prepare for every opportunity." Stefan says as he talks to the whole group.

All of them look at him, waiting to hear what the plan is.

"Rebekah is our target. We distract her and catch her off guard. To do that we need to keep Klaus and Phoebe occupied and separate from her." Stefan says before looking over at Caroline, "Caroline."

"Why do I always have to be bait?" Caroline complains out.

"Because you are the only one Phoebe likes and where Phoebe goes Klaus follows." Damon explains.

Caroline is conflicted about doing this, "It doesn't feel right plotting against Pheebs after everything she has done for me. For us!"

"Caroline, are you with us or not?" Damon asks, annoyed.

"How are you so okay with this? Phoebe is your sister! By killing Rebekah, you will end up killing her as well." Caroline asks, unsure of why Damon and Stefan even want to go through with this.

"Phoebe is smart. I am sure she has unlinked herself from them by now." Stefan says, trying to reassure Caroline.

"Let's say she has, and we do somehow kill Rebekah. And the rest of the Mikaelsons die with her than what? How do you plan to protect Elena and the rest of us from a pissed off, heartbroken Phoebe? Because you have to know that if we do this, she won't just let us be once it's done. We will end up like Katherine, on the run for the rest of our lives." Caroline rants at them.

"We are her brothers. She won't kill us and if she comes for Elena. We stop her." Damon says with a shrug.

"Are you absolutely certain we can even do that?" Caroline asks with brows raised.

"Are you absolutely certain we can even do that?" Caroline asks with brows raised

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