Chapter 16 - Spells, Secrets, and Houseguest

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I have one of my own grimoires open in front of me as I work on a new spell when there's a knock on the front door

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I have one of my own grimoires open in front of me as I work on a new spell when there's a knock on the front door. Delilah, who is sitting on the couch, watching me, gets up and answers it.

Rebekah stands in the doorway with both hands filled with shopping bags.

Rebekah looks at Delilah, "Where's Phoebe?"

I get up from the floor, walking into view of the door as Delilah asks, "Who the hell are you?"

Rebekah sees me and comes barging into the house, pushing past Delilah.

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here." Rebekah rants off.

I wince slightly, "Yeah, sorry about that. I may have told him taking you on a cross country trip to hunt wolves isn't something you wanted."

Rebekah stops in her tracks, looking at me with a weird expression.

"He left me because you thought it would be best for me to stay here? And he agreed?"

I look at her a little suspiciously, "Yeah?"

"Interesting..." Rebekah says as she continues to watch me.

"You're Rebekah?" Delilah asks.

Rebekah looks in her direction, "Pleasure, I'm sure."

Then she looks back at me, "Which ones my room?"

I look at her with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, "What?"

"Well, I am not staying with Stefan. He has turned that bloody house of his into a feeding den. So here I am." Rebekah explains.

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Delilah steps forward and speaks, "Any room upstairs that isn't taken is all yours."

Rebekah looks back at Delilah, unsure about her, "Thanks."

Rebekah takes her hundreds of bags and goes off upstairs to choose a room.

I look at Delilah, who seems to share my expression of surprise.

"I guess she's staying here." I say, laughing a little.

Delilah and I make our way back to the living room to continue with what we were doing.

"What exactly is the spell your trying to write?" Delilah asks as she tries to read my grimoire.

"I am trying to make a spell that can protect a vampire from being compelled by an original. I have searched all grimoires I have and there are a lot of them, about breaking compulsion and things like that. I mean I even found a spell that I could use to turn on a vampire's humanity but that is more of a last resort thing. But I have found nothing in any of them about a protection spell for a vampire. Only humans and witches." I tell her.

"How do we test to see if this spell even works?" She questions as she pages through the grimoire.

"I mean we have Rebekah now. I could ask her to try compel you when I think I have got it." I tell her as I read through some other spells that are on a similar matter.

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