Chapter 13 - Chasing Wolves, Finding Desires

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Three fucking months

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Three fucking months.

That's how long we have been running around trying to track down werewolves. I started to learn about how to control my magic as soon as we left and by the sixth week of this cross-country road trip, I had my magic completely under control. For the most part. Klaus and I had started have some sort of strangely, friendly relationship while Stefan has just sulked along with us.

 Klaus and I had started have some sort of strangely, friendly relationship while Stefan has just sulked along with us

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Me and Klaus walk towards the house in the distance

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Me and Klaus walk towards the house in the distance.

A woman comes out the door and calls out, "Rudy!"

We come up to her from behind when she turns around, the woman jumps back when she sees us.

I offer her a sweet smile, "Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you."

I bend down and pick up the dog toy at my feet, handing it her.

The woman looks me over before smiling back at me, "Its fine. How can I help you two?"

Klaus wraps his arm around my waist, saying, "Yeah, Well, our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Me and my girlfriend have been walking for what feels like forever. Yours is the first house we have come across. So, I was just hoping we could use your phone?"

The woman looks at us suspiciously, "Don't one of you have a cell phone?"

Klaus answers, "Huh, yeah. Battery died." he pulls his phone out his pocket.

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