Chapter 21 - Esther's Agenda and Phoebe's Dilemma

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I walk downstairs as there is a knock on the door

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I walk downstairs as there is a knock on the door. I open the door and find no one but a box, sitting on the door mat. I look around but still find no one so I pick up the box and I bring it inside.

I put the box on the table inside and start to inspect it. I find two envelopes on top of it.

One with Delilah's name and the other with Kelsey's name.

"Delilah! Kelsey!" I call for them.

Delilah shows up next to me, taking the letter that I hold out for her while Kelsey walks slowly down the stairs still half asleep.

Kelsey grabs the letter out my hand then I turn back to the box. I look over the box before lifting the lid off and find an envelope with my name sitting on top of some fabric.

We all open the envelopes at the same time and read them to ourselves.

We all open the envelopes at the same time and read them to ourselves

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"A ball? Never been to one of those before." Kelsey says, putting the invitation down on the table next to the box.

"This is going to be fun." Delilah says smiling down at the invitation.

"or trouble." I add.

"What's in the box?" Delilah asks me as she peaks over my shoulder to see in.

I pull the fabric out and it turns out to be a beautiful dress. A black and red dress with a diamond necklace to match.

I stare at it both shock and awe.

"Perks of dating the Mikaelsons." Kelsey says from over my shoulder.

"We are not dating. I don't know what we are." I say, still staring at dress.

"There is something else written on the back of your invitation, Pheebs." Delilah points out as she flips it to the other side of the invitation.

I take it from her and read what it says before closing my eyes and letting out a breath as my heart starts to beat fast.

We know what we want...

Save us a dance...

Klaus & Elijah.

"What does it say?" Kelsey asks, trying to get a peek at the writing.

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