Chapter 35 - Seeking Answers in Silence

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I close my eyes and hum quietly when my headphones are snatched off my head

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I close my eyes and hum quietly when my headphones are snatched off my head. I open my eyes getting ready to shout profanities at whoever had taken them off, only to see Kol standing in front of me.

I smile for a second before scowling again and snatching my headphones back, "I was using those."

"Yeah, using them to ignore the world" He clarifies for me.

"What are you doing here, Kol?" I ask him as I sit up on the rock.

"My dear sister phoned saying she needed my help with something. Imagine my surprise when I got back to the house to find a grumpy Klaus with my favorite Salvatore nowhere in sight."

"Did Rebekah tell you I was here?" I ask.

"No, my dear sister thinks that if you wanted company you would be at one of the two houses, you currently live in."

"I just wanted to practice my magic in peace for a while. Clear my head." I tell him as I rest my chin on my hands.

"If you are here that means violent measures are needed?" I ask him.

"I am to collect some professor. You are welcome to join me." he tells me.

"Yeah, sure. Better than sitting here and failing to do magic." I tell him standing up.

We walk through the woods back to our cars as Kol tells me stories of his advantages since I last saw him. He jumps into the passenger side of my car, and I shake my head before getting in as well.

I drive while Kol relaxes next to me, "Want to share why you and Klaus are having a timeout?"


"C'mon share with me. Why my brother is miserable?" Kol nags.

"We had an argument about the fact he daggered Rebekah for pretty much no reason. But I undaggered her and am over it." I tell him as I turn down the road towards the college.

"But you have been staying at the other house and haven't told Klaus that you are past it, making him suffer." Kol explains with a smirk.

"You shouldn't enjoy your brother's pain so much." I tell him, hiding my own smile.

"I should be enjoying every minute of this." Kol tells me smiling widely, making me roll my eyes.

We pull up to the college and Kol gets out the car before leaning back down to me.

"Stay here. This will be quicker if I go in alone." He says before vamping off.

"What was the point of me coming then?" I mutter to myself.

I place my hands on the steering wheel and drum my thumbs against it as I wait.

Suddenly the back door opens, and I see Professor Shane being put in the back before Kol gets in the front.

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