Chapter 1 - The Salvatore Sister's Return

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As the music from the club pounds in my ears, I scope out the dance floor for my next snack

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As the music from the club pounds in my ears, I scope out the dance floor for my next snack. Finding nothing to my preference, I step out into the dim street. I decide to take a walk to my apartment to help clear my head, when I hear a scuffle happening in the shadows. Taking a few steps towards the noise, I see a guy harassing a lady.

I vamp forward, grabbing the guy and throwing him against the wall before turning to the girl, "You had a nice night out but drank too much and took a cab home. So, find a cab, go home and forget this ever happened, understand?" I say as I compel her. The lady gave a small nod before leaving the alley in a hurry.

I turn to the guy, who is trying to get back up, "Are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way?" I ask. The guy stands up straight and pulls a knife from his pocket. I tilt my head to the side, showing my vampire eyes and saying, "The hard way it is then. Just what I hoped you would choose."

I move forward just for him to stab me in the chest, looking down I take the knife out of my chest before looking back at him and watch as fear slowly covers his face. In flash, I was right in front of him, "Feel that fear, that is exactly how the lady you were bothering was feeling. Lucky for you, I am done with this dress, or I would have stretch this out longer than it is going to be."

I grab him and bite my teeth into his neck, I slowly drink him dry, when my phone goes off. The phone flashes Damon across the screen, letting out a sigh while I answer.

"What do you want, Damon?"

Is that how you greet your favourite Salvatore?

"Last time I checked, I was my favourite Salvatore. So, fess up what you want, or I am going to hang up and continue my meal that you interrupted." I say rolling my eyes before looking down at the man in front of me.

Geez, no need to grump. I am just phoning to ask for a favour.

"What is it? Get to the point would you before I get caught."

I need your help, Bea.

"I get that otherwise you wouldn't be calling" I say jokingly into the phone.

Phoebe, its urgent

Damon's voice dropping making my whole mood change with it.

"Okay, Damon. Where are you?"

Mystic Falls

Hearing that made my heart drop, but I push away feelings of hatred for town knowing that Damon needed my help.

"I will be there as soon as I can. Stay safe."

I will 

With that I put the phone down and turn back to my dinner.

With that I put the phone down and turn back to my dinner

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