Chapter 40 - The Enchantress Prophecy

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I push the door to the Mikaelson house open and walk inside, closing the door behind me

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I push the door to the Mikaelson house open and walk inside, closing the door behind me.

When Klaus walking out on of the rooms looking completely fine which makes me confused for a moment.

Klaus walks towards me, and I watch him, "You seem better?"

"Where is the cure?" he asks without a greeting and a nickname which makes me narrow my eyes at him.

"Now why would you ask me that?" I ask.

I feel a magic trying to get into my mind and everything makes sense to me.

"Gonna have to try harder than that to get in my mind, Silas." I tell him as I put my bag down.

Klaus/Silas vamps to me, grabbing me by my throat and holding me against the wall but I just smile down at him. I grab his hand, breaking his wrist which forces him to let go of me.

Silas looks at me shocked as he fixes his wrist.

"How did you do that? I am just in your head." he asks me.

"Not sure really. But if I can do that, I bet I could kill you as well." I tell him with a devilish smirk.

Silas frowns at me before disappearing.

I look around me before shrugging and walking more into the house to find Klaus.

I hear a howl of pain and I race towards it, finding Klaus sitting on the floor, holding onto the piano seat without his shirt on with a big hole in his back.

I race forward towards him, bending in front of him, "What happened?" I ask him.

"Go away." He tells me as he tries to push me off.

"Klaus, focus. What happened? Why aren't you healing?" I ask him as I try to get him to calm down.

"I need more time. Stop hounding me!" He yells at me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask confused but the dots connect quickly. I pull towards him, so that he is looking at me.

"I am not Silas. It's me, Phoebe. I look into my eyes." I tell him.

Klaus looks into my eyes before grabbing my face and relief crosses his face, "Phoebe."

I smile at him, "Yes. Tell me what happened?" I ask again.

"Silas. He stabbed me with the white oak stake. There's a piece of it stuck inside me." he tells me as he bends his arm around his back, showing me his wound. I stand up and look at the wound.

"This doesn't look like damage made from a stake." I say to him.

Klaus moves his hand, and a pair of bloody pliers slide into my view. I lean down and pick them up, shaking my head as I do.

"Well not sure how you thought this would be helpful." I say looking at it.

I look into the wound before sticking my fingers into the wound. Klaus flinches forward a little as I do, making stop for a moment before pushing further into it.

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