Chapter 17 - Revealing the Broken Warrior

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Damon and I are in his car, driving in town when I spot Bonnie, Caroline and Delilah hanging lanterns in a tree while Ezra and Kelsey watch them

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Damon and I are in his car, driving in town when I spot Bonnie, Caroline and Delilah hanging lanterns in a tree while Ezra and Kelsey watch them.

We pull up next to them and Damon speaks before I can.

"Greetings, blondie. Witchy. Psycho and company. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

I roll my eyes at his nicknames, but Bonnie looks at me confused, "What do you mean? Why?"

I open my mouth to answer her but once again am interrupted by Damon, "Because I'm pretty sure, I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost."

"What?" Bonnie says looking horrified by that fact.

"Doesn't matter at the moment. We need to close the riff before this town is overrun by supernatural ghosts with a need for revenge." I say as I get out the car.

"Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you two screwed up, fix it." Damon demands before he drives off.

I watch him drive off with and eye roll before looking back over at Bonnie.

"We need to do some investigating to find out what went wrong. Shall we start with the man that can see the dead." I recommend.

I see that I see an uneasy look pass over Bonnie's face as I say that which makes me change my plan.

"Or I will talk to him. You and Caroline got talk to Matt since he started this." I recommend instead and Bonnie agrees to this.

Bonnie and Caroline leave, making their way to find Matt. As they go, Kelsey locks eyes with me and I motion with my head for her to go with them. I didn't want them unprotected with potential targets on their backs.

Delilah and Ezra walk closer to me as Kelsey goes after them.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Delilah asks me.

"I don't know but come along with me. Just in case, I do need your help." I tell them before we head to the Mystic Grill.

As we arrive at the Grill, I notice Elena, Alaric and Jeremy sitting at a table outside. We each grab a chair and join their table.

as we do, I notice Stefan's journals spread across the tables.

"You aren't going to find the answer to turning his humanity back on in there." I say as I take a seat next to Elena.

The whole table looks in my direction before looking over at Delilah and Ezra as well.

"What do you want?" Alaric asks me.

"Relax, Ric. I am here for dear Jeremy." I tell them.

"Why?" Jeremy asks me.

"You see I am having a problem involving the other side. Since you are still connected to there, you are just who I need to get answers." I explain to him with a plain smile.

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