Chapter 26 - The Dark Side of Phoebe

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I lay in bed as Klaus walks into the room

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I lay in bed as Klaus walks into the room.

"Rebekah has insisted that we go to this decade dance tonight." Klaus tells me as he leans against the doorframe.

I sit up on my elbows, watching him.

"Are you kidding? I want to leave this hell hole before some else rises from the dead to kill us." I tell him.

"And we will, but Rebekah wants us to go. Think of this as one last hoorah before we leave." He tells me.

I flop back down with a groan, "What decade is it?"

"The 20s." he smirks but his answer makes me groan again.

"I thought you loved the 20s." he asks.

"I don't know if you remember correctly but I spent most of the 20s being someone else." I remind him.

Klaus walks next to the bed, and I turn my head to look at him, "Well think of tonight as a redo than." He tells me.

I think on it before smiling up at him, "Okay but I am going to need a dress."

"That can be arranged." He tells me.

My phone lights up next to me and I grab it.

I read the message and laugh which makes Klaus's face furrow, "What are you laughing about?"

I "It's Kol. He wants me to ditch you and go join him on his killing spree." I tell him as I look up from my phone and see Klaus frown.

"When did you and Kol become so chummy?" he asks.

I just shrug, "Our dislike of each other turned into a dysfunctional friendship." I tell him.

"As long as it stays a friendship. Sharing you with one brother is enough." Klaus growls out as he climbs over me.

"Damn it! There goes my plan to start a harem of Mikaelson brothers." I say, laughing before I could get it all out.

Klaus buries his head into my neck and before I know it, he bites into me which makes me moan out.

Normally, I would just siphon the venom, but I just turn my head and sink my own fangs into Klaus's neck this time.

We both pull our fangs out each other before connecting our lips. The kiss we share is sloppy but full of hunger as Klaus reaches between us and starts to unbutton my shirt.

As Klaus goes to peel my shirt, someone walks into the room without knocking which stops us both in our actions. I look towards the door to see a man at the door which makes me look at Klaus.

"Get out!" Klaus shouts out at the man which causes the man to turn around quickly and leave in a hurry.

"One of your hybrids, I am guessing." I say.

"I tasked them to pack up all the stuff." He informs me.

"Someone should teach them how to knock." I tell him as I roll out from under him.

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