Author's Note

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I want to thank you all so much for taking your time to read this and to be patient with me as this is my first fanfic.

This story will contain a polyamorous relationship between Klaus Mikaelson, Phoebe Salvatore and Elijah Mikaelson if you aren't interested in something like that please don't read any further.

I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes in this book, if you find any point them out in a nice way and I will try and fix it.

I do not own anything besides my original character and any my side original characters.

I will not tolerate any disrespect towards my original character/characters.

Please do not plagiarize my book or steal it.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated but if you don't like my story or writing then just stop reading.

If you leave any hate comments about my story, writing, or characters I will block you and delete all the comments you have made.

My updates will vary as I do have school that I need to do but I will try update as often as possible.

Trigger warnings! This story will contain mentioning of-

- Detailed Sex Scenes

- Swearing-lots of it


-Detailed violence-Murder

- Blood

- Mental illnesses

- Heavy Alcohol consumption.

I am not very experienced in writing but I will try my best, if you have any advice I will gladly hear you out!:)

I hope you all enjoy this story, don't forget to vote and comment!

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