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Mr. Jeon, his daughter Jeon Lisa and Park Jimin are arrested for kidnapping 100+ year old great grandmother of the Jung family.
Jungkook escaped because he ran out at the time. The grandmother admitted to the hospital. Poor lady... She said to police that some muscled bunny men carry her in the air, she thought it was a dream.

Yes ..sir... Thank you sir... Jungkook thanks Jeon's advocate . He will be here Tomorrow morning. He said to his driver.

Ha... Jungkook can I ask you a question?


Are you really a dump or idiot?

I am idi... What ? He glared at the driver.

But i think we should find that boy Jung Hoseok , only he can help us. The driver said to him.

Yes... We can meet him tomorrow. Jungkook sighed and lean towards car seat... He was so tired because he run 2 kilometre staraight. At last he call driver for going back... Poor bunny man.


He doesn't take my call ... You call him... Jungkook said to his driver.

Ok... The driver dial the number. Hello...is this Hoseok? No... Where is he? Ok... Ok... Which church... st.agustus... ok... thanks.
Kooki... Hoseok getting married today st.agustus church.

What? Jungkook shout ... We want stop this marriage. Come ... Let's go... Both of them rush towards the car.


This is the church... Driver inform him.

Ok... I going to play a drama here ... Stay with me... Whatever i going to say there just support me...

I will support you ... Come... Both of them runs into the church.

STOP IT... Jungkook shout loudly. That boy who standing there he is mine... Mine baby...mine love ... He is mine...

What? People start to murmur each other.

Jungkook walks towards altar... This boy is belongs to me... Jungkook shout loudly while looking at groom.

YES... They are lovers for year ... Driver's entry. They are sharing everything... Their blood,sweat and sperms.

What? People shout.

And that bride is pregnant with his child... Driver add another sentence...

Yes...he is carrying my child... Jungkook said to the groom. If you want you can marry but you will get my child too... Jungkook look at him . My love my child... Jungkook cover his face and cried.

I heard a lot of stories about you but still is this true? ... The groom asks to bride.

This all true... We have evidence... Do you want see? The driver come forward.

No, His silence is enough... The groom and his party walks out of the church.

The church becomes almost empty... Only the father and tall handsome man left...

Is all true? The man ask to the Jungkook.

Yes ... He answered.

Then marry him... please... Tall man plead to him.

Me...i mean...not now... I will marry him later...is it? He looks at driver but the driver was sitting on floor... He eyes Jungkook towards the bride. Jungkook slowly turn back... His eyes got wider... Who are you?... He gulped.

Please... I am begging you please marry him... The tall man hold hand infront of Jungkook. Please he agreed for this marriage for me...

Me? But i ... Jungkook look at the tall man...

You just you love him and he carry your child... Now what? The father shout at him.

He will marry him... The driver said to them.

Jungkook nod his head as no and said yes... He doesn't have any other way...

Ok... Get that register and sign here.

Jungkook signed like a statue.

You too... Father said to the boy.

The boy also signed the paper.

Ok... God bless you my child... Father walks away.

Your name? Tall man ask to Kook.

Jungkook... Driver said to him...

Ok... Jungkook take care of him...i will come when your child born... Bye...bye... The old man walks immediately out of the church.

Jungkook looks at his husband... What's your name?

Taehyung... The boy wispered...

It's ok ... We can get divorce after six months. Perhaps you know mr. Jung Hoseok... I need him very badly... He smiles awakwerd.

I know him... The boy nod his head.

Don't worry... He is nothing but idiot... The driver said.

Once we get back to home i will kill you... He shout at driver.

This was your idea... Driver shout at him back.

I will kill you... Jungkook and the driver catch each others throat...

Taehyung slowly turn to the photo of Jesus Christ and cried silently.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now