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That boy was from a poor family... He studied with his own cash... He reaches in this position with his hardwork... Three of them make his life into hell... Mr. Jeon shout at Jiminkooklisa...

He always complaint to me that your flirting with him... Jimin slap Jungkook's biceps...

What? I just flirt him... You make him pregnant... I will kill you... Jungkook catch Jimin's throat...

Leave him... Jeon shout them... Lis was busy sighting at the handsome driver.


Poor family? Lisa look at her father. Its looks like fucking palace Dad...

Yes... But he said he is poor.

He is poor but his father is rich... Third floor fourth room... It's his room... Jimin said to them... They were standing in front of a huge bunglow.

Whatever let's go and meet him... Come.. Jungkook said to them.

Who are you? The security asks...

Iam Jimin... Here for Hoseok... I want meet him... Please.

Wait a minute... Guard dial a number. Sorry sir young master don't want meet you.

Tell him mr. Jeon is here...

Sorry sir... He doesn't want meet anyone... Go back please. Security said to them.


I know he hates me... Jimin sighed... Iam going to lose him.

He was angry at you Jimin...

No was... He is angry at me...

It's.. ok... We can talk with him Tomorrow... I will go myself... Mr. Jeon console the boy...now go and sleep. You too... He order to his children.

Lisa ... Do you observe that house... It was decorated... I think Hobi is getting married... Jungkook look at her.

I feel the same... Otherwise why he should avoid Jimin like this...

Oh... God... Our Jiminy will suiside...

I have an idea... Lisa look at him... Let's kidnap him..

Oh... My Gosh... You proves that you arey sister... Come let's go... Don't make any sound. Slowly.


Lisa... Listen... It's difficulty for you to Jump the wall... So...i...

What are doing there? Come... She already climp the wall.

Is she doing this every day... Jungkook also climp with her... Third floor fourth room... Both of Jumped on ground.

Kooki Dog... Lisa gulped.

Lisa... Stare at Dog... Don't take your eyes from his eyes... Jungkook said to her ..

Yes... Iam staring... What's next...

Stay here i will come... He runs somewhere...

You... bloody cheat... Don't do anything to me... I don't have that much meat in my body but he have... Go and catch him... But the Dog look at her for some seconds and drift into sleep. Suddenly the light of the house goes off...

Lisa got a call from Jungkook... Are you alive..

You bloody... $$$$¥¥¥€%%%

Iam elder than you... Don't use bad words ... Come to back side... There is step.

Waiting there i will kill you...


Lis... I think this his room... Jungkook point to some room...

Both of them robe money from Jeon's safe locker so the house is and doors are not a problem for them .

Wait... I have an idea.. Jungkook dial Hobi's number... Ring from here... So this his room.

Come... Both of them go inside... Hobi... Baby... We are here.... It's so dark here on the torch.

For what e is sleeping... If lights on he will on Lisa whisper... Sorry Hobi... They spray some liquid.

Let's cover him with this duvet and pick him.... Jungkook whisper back...

Are you sure?

Yes .....


Lisa stop the car in front the hotel... Remove that cloth from his face ...

No... What if someone identify him... You go and if there is someone on the way... I will carry him...

Oki.... She walks to the front office like a cat...

Jiminy... Wake up... You have a surprise...

What? Jimin look at them...

We bring you something for you... Come..

Jimin walks with them in half sleep...

Look... Lisa pint to the bed....

Mummy.... Dead body... Jimin scream top of his lungs... Because there is someone who fully covered in a duvet.

Not dead body it's living body...

What's happening here? Jeon come to them.

What is this? Do you kill Jungkook?

I am here Dad... Take look ... You will be surprised... Now talk and make up with him... Jungkook remove the duvet while eying at Jimin...

What the fuck? Jimin shout at him...

Who is that? Jeon point to the bed...

Oh...my... Gooooshhhhb... Lisa fainted.

What? Jungkook looked at the person where they were kidnapped, mummy.... without thinking twice he ran out of the room.

Jimin and Jeon freeze in their position... suddenly some people barge into their room by breaking the door...

Don't move stay... We are police.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now