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This is the Kim empire...  Not like us they have a lot of other businesses too... 

Oh...  Hoseok...  How should I greet them?

Just which of them? That's all...   Be confident. Maybe they won't treat us great because our company is small compared to them. So whatever happens just relax...  Ok?

Yes...  Jungkook nodes his head.

Both of them walk to the front office and introduce themselves. And they ask to wait for their CEO.

Have I visited here before? Kook asked Hoseok.

Yes...  So many times...  Jungkook was working here with Taehyung...  Hoseok looks at him and smiles.

Hello guys...  Someone opens the door. Hi, I am Haneul...  The boss is busy with some other things.  He sends me on behalf of him...  And says sorry.

It's ok...  This is Jeon Jungkook our CEO...

Hello...  Jungkook wishes him... 

Let's start...  Hoseok Start introduced its plants and products. After an hour Jungkook felt so disturbed. He starts to look here and there...

Excuse... Hoseok said to Haneul...


Jungkook...  I will take care of this...  just go and get some fresh air...  He assured.

Thanks...  Jungkook walks outside. He starts to roam around the place.  others wish him like they knew him before but Jungkook felt strange. He walks to a pathway that connects two buildings...  It was made of glass...  stares at the road which seems very busy with vehicles and people. Suddenly he heard a talking sound...  He turns towards the sound. Five or six people were walking towards the next building and his eyes fell on the boy who walked in the middle like a king...  that boy was giving instructions to others...  Jungkook stared at that beautiful face...  That group of people walks over him...  Jungkook eyes still follow the boy...  Who is he? He asks himself.

After a few minutes, he got a call from Hoseok...  Jungkook walks back to him.

We are interested, Jungkook...  welcome to the KimEmpires... Haneol said with a smile.

Thanks... They share a handshake.

Who is the CEO of this company? I think I meet him there...  Jungkook asks him.

His name is Kim Yoongi...  You can meet him later.

Excuse me...  Hoseok got shocked...  Who? Kim...

Yoongi...  Haneol said again.

Where is Mr. Kim...  I mean Kim Taehyung? Hoseok asked curiously.

Taehyung who? Haneol looks at him.

Nothing...  Let's go...  Hoseok whispers to Jungkook and walks out. Hoseok was confused.

Look...  That is our CEO...  Haneol point toward a boy...

Yoongi...  Hoseok whispered...


What the hell are you speaking about? Jimin shouted at his husband.

Yes...  I saw him...  Yoongi...  He is alive...  But...

Hobi... Have you lost your memory too?  Lisa asks him.

No...  That Haneol...  He doesn't even Taehyung. Hobi looks at them.

He is now there...  Maybe that's why...  Jimin said.

Come on.  Who doesn't know Taehyung? He directly appointed new employees.

But I was wondering why Taehyung fake his brother's death.  Jimin stare at them.

Jimin...  You should go to my house and inquire about Taehyung...  Hobi said. Go today itself and Be careful.

What? You go to your house... 

I want to help Jungkook here.

I will go with him...  Lisa stands up.

Yea...  But be careful...  Hoseok walks to his child who is crying...


They were shocked...  And Hoseok asks about Taehyung.

What did you say? Yoongi asks Haneol.

I said I didn't know who Taehyung was 

That's good... Whatever happens, they didn't trace Taehyung...  Yoongi leans onto the chair.

Arrange a meeting with that Jeon Jungkook without Jung Hoseok...  He knows me.

Yes...  Boss...  Haneol bows politely and walks outside.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now