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Welcome home... Mr. Jeon happily invites Jungkook to his home.

Thanks... Taehyung observes the whole house. Where is my room?

Where is my room? Taehyung looks at Jungkook.

Where is his room ? Jungkook asks Lisa.

I don't take it.... She shrugged.

Idiots... Come son... I will show you...

Yes... I need breakfast before 8:30 Chocolate Con Churros, Soletillas, Or Melindros.

What's that? Jungkook and Lisa looks each other.

It's Spanish dish... Jimin answered.

Is this our house or his? Jungkook grit his teeth.

Well in a sense his house. 80% share of Jeon are his... Hobi smiled.

Really? Lisa look at them , Taehyung... No..
Brother in law... Your sweet cute sister in law is coming... She goes to Taehyung.

Come let's make Spanish dish... Jungkook hold Jimin's hand.

It's your husband... You should make it,  i have to take care of my baby...

Jungkook smiles at him... Then he carries the boy in bridal style and walks to kitchen...it's all because of you Jiminy so half responsibility is yours...let's make Spanish breakfast.


Everything is ready... Asks him to eat... Jungkook walks to his room. He open his room door... A good bath and a good sleep till evening... He was about open the washroom but Taehyung open the door...

Jungkook stare at the boy who was standing on front of him...

Move... Taehyung said to him.

What are you doing here? Jungkook looks at him.

Your father gives this room for me...

This is my room... Get out...

Taehyung glare at him... I said move... Tae push him and he walks to the mirror.

Excuse me... You are so overacting. First of all this is my room and i will everything in this room.

What you mean? Taehyung looks at him.

If you use this room... May be i will touch you ... May be i will bite you... May be i will hug you...

Then you will die... Taehyung smirk at him.

Really? Now i feel to hug everything in my room... Jungkook open his shirt buttons and walks to Taehyung.

Mr. Jeon... Don't you dare?

I will... Otherwise get out... We have another rooms too... Jungkook walks near him.

No.... I deside to use this room... You just get out...

Oh... Jungkook catch Tae's hand ... Then i will do whatever i want... My baby doll...


He have black belt in karate... Lisa said while applying ointment on Jungkook's face.

I don't know about that... He sighed. He got some punches and kicks from Taehyung for touching him...

They heard sound... Who is that?  Jungkook frown.

His secratries and assistances.

Taehyung comes down and his people surround him and go walks outside.

Attitude king... Jungkook grit his teeth. Let's go to club...

With this face?

It's  my face not yours.... Jungkook shout at her.


It's around two am ... Jungkook and Lisa comes back...both of them drunken.

Good night...  Jungkook walks to his room... He throws hos footwears and removes the coat... My bed iam coming ... He falls on the bed...

Taehyung was in deep sleep... He just stir... Jooni... Sleep... He makes Jungkook in his embrace...

Hai SpongeBob... Jungkook hug Taehyung... You smell good ... I like it.

Sleep Joonah... You have to go bording tomorrow.

They will not admit me... Iam a big boy know... Jungkook pout sadly. He doesn't get any reply from Taehyung... Both of them drift into sleep in each others hand.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now