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Hello... My name is Jeon Jungkook... Yoongi forgot to take his phone. How can I give this back?  But the other end was silent... Hello, can you hear me? Jungkook asks anxiously.

Yes....he hears a buzzing sound... I will collect the phone if you can wait there.

I will... Jungkook agrees... He sat on a bench under the tree... It was midnight... A cold breeze struck him. Why should I wait for him? Who is he? Jungkook closed his eyes... After a few minutes, he heard the sound of a car... Jungkook changed his gaze to that place. A boy opens the car door... Jungkook stands up and walks towards the boy. Hi... I am Jeon Jungkook... He spread his hand towards him...

Kim Taehyung... He grabs that hand... Phone?

Here ... Jungkook gives the phone to him. They just look at each other. 

Should I drop you? Taehyung asked.

No... I have a car... Nice to meet you... Good night.

Good night...


Where were you, Kooki? Mr . Jeon ask him

What was the name of my husband? He looks at his father

Why? Jeon gives s hquestioningngg look

I mean I am not remembering anything... So I don't know anything about my partner too. So what am I thinking is if I know about him I can recognize him...

Jungkook... It's past... No need to open that.

But I want to... It's like I am missing something very badly. I don't know but I missing something... Please, Dad... Who was he? How was he looking? Where is he now?

Jungkook you don't need anything about him... Both of my children are in danger when he was here. He sent my daughter to a dangerous place for his job and I don't know how she escaped from there. .. and look at you... How energetic you were? How smart you were? But now look... It's breaking my heart... He is the reason behind all this... Forget him... At least for your father who cares for you, love you from childhood... I lost my wife at the age of 25, the rest of my life I was both of you. I was not like this Jungkook but your husband and his family make me like this... Please forget everything about him. I already find someone for you... Just meet him tomorrow... I don't compel you but see him if you want... You will like him. I will send the details tomorrow. Now go and sleep... Good night my son... The old man wipes his eyes and walks to his room...

Jungkook stared at his father... Just obey him that's the only thing he can do now...


One coffee, please... He order a coffee and wait for the person his father said to him. He doesn't know who he is. His details... Anything.

Hi... Jungkook... I am Hwan... A young boy sat opposite.

Oh... Hello... Jungkook said with awkwardness. Coffee?

Yes ... So ... I never thought you will this much handsome. Sorry for asking why with shaved hair? I mean if you have hair you will look more handsome.

I got into an accident so for the operation my hair was shaved. Jungkook dislikes the boy at first sight.

Ya... you know I was not ready for getting married but when I see your picture... I just fall in love...

Excuse me... I will be back... Jungkook stands up and rushes out of the cafe.

Hai... Mr. Kim... Nice to meet you again... He said to the boy.

Oh ... Hi... Taehyung smiles at him...

Sorry for asking this but can you help me?

What happened? Any problem? ... Taehyung got panicked.

Ya... A big problem... Please. Jungkook makes a pleading face.

I will... Taehyung agrees.

Come... He grabs his hand and walks to the cafe. Taehyung looks around... Some people are looking at them... Hwan right ... I am sorry... This is my boyfriend... Taehyung... I am sorry... Jungkook said to the boy who sipping his coffee.

Taehyung got shocked and looked at him...

Hwan stands up from the seat... He got scared not because of Jungkook but eagle eyes of Taehyung.

It's ok... Bye... He walks outside.

What is this Mr. Jeon? Taehyung asks in anger.

Sorry, Mr. Kim... Suddenly I see you and I don't like that boy... So... sorry...

It's ok... I have to go...

Mr . Kim... Can we have coffee together... Please.

No... I am busy...

Ya... Can we have your number?

Give me your number and I will give you a call... Taehyung insisted...

Ok... Jungkook gives his number...

I will call you now... With that Taehyung walks to his car .... Jungkook's phone buzzed from his pocket and he shivered while seeing the screen...


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