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Who is he? Jungkook asks to his wife.


That tall bitch... Today I met him. For his better Jooni was there otherwise I will show him who I am...

That's Seokjin... He was the one who decided to marry me.

Oh... That's why he looks familiar. I met him pn your... I mean on our marriage day.


Jungkook stare at the boy... He was wearing night dress but his body shape was clearly showing off.

What is your size Taehyung?

Watch your mouth Jungkook... Tae said bit angrily.

Why? Asking chappal size is that bad... He said innocently.

Oh... I thought... It's 8

What you thought? Jungkook look at him.

Jungkook i am working...

Me to... Tae you said you wants a child too...

I like children... Tae said.

I like the process... Jungkook laughed... Suddenly a pen hit on his head.

Just shut up sleep idiot... Tae glare at him.

I can't sleep without you... Come here... He pat the side of the bed.

No... I am sleeping with Jooni today.


Joon stare at the phone... It was ringing for a long time... Jin hyung. But his brother strictly said to him stay away from Jin. Joom pick the phone and cut the call. Then press for switched off .

Joon... Did you sleep yet?

Hyung... He looks back... I  am going to be. My phone got dead.

Sleep... Taehyung sit beside him... Are you angry with me?

For what? Joon look at him.

Nothing... They settled in bed.

Hyung... Can i stay with you? Boarding is feel like jail.

I know... But complete your studies first. Then you can whatever you want. He pat his brothers cheek.

Jin hyung calls me... Lots of time but i switched off the mobile.

Good... Avoid him.

Hmm... Good night hyung


Jim looks at his mobile phone... Where are you Jooni? Why you are not attending my calls?

Where is him? He looks at the man who standing beside him.

I... I don't know boss... He hung hos head down.

A screw driver make a hole on others cheeks... That mam screamd in pain.

I give you only one job...monitoring him but you fail miserable...  Jin press his boot on others hand who was in floor.

I can't visit him at school... Yesterday Taehyung was there...  He fist his hand in anger and finish his drink... I will find you.


Joon... Tae call him brother loudly... But he didn't heard anything expect some crying sounds. Joon... Where are you?

Hyung... He kills me... Joon said to him... Jin hyung kills me...

Tae open his eyes... Just a dream.. . He looks at his side... His brother was sleeping on his safe embrace.

Dream? Tae startled by the sudden voice.  Jungkook what are you doing here?

You smell nice... Its make me sleep... That's why. I won't touch you... Good night...

Idiot... Tae hug his brother but a small smile occurred in his lips.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now