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I think something happens to them Jungkook ... Hobi said.

I think so... Namjoon stay here... I will go and check what happened.

I will come with you... Jimin said...

Wait ... What do you think about them... They are dangerous. They will kill you... Hobi holds Jimin's hand. Let's inform the police station.

No... What if they do something to Tae and Yoongi?  Jeon looks at them.

I think you should take me with you... He didn't do anything to me... Joon said to them. I want to tell you something about all of you. Tae Hyung and Yoongi Hyung are not my real brothers... They are my cousins... My father is the one who takes care of them too. But my father's brother kills my parents. Before get killed my Appa change all his property to my name with a clause who is my guardian they will get my wealth... Jin Hyung and my uncle starts to fight for my custody... Taehyung Hyung sent Yoongi Hyung to their house because he wants them to know what they are planning... But when my uncle understands Yoongi Hyung is spying on them they try to kill him so Tae Hyung fakes his death and sends him abroad. They don't kill me ... If I die no one gets anything... I will come with you... Joon looks at them.

Ya... But we need a perfect plan ... First of all... Me and Joon go to them... After identifying the situation you should move and of course, you should inform the police... Today I will take my revenge... How the hell did he make my life shattered... Jungkook grit his teeth...

Hobi... You stay here with baby...we will come back soon... Jimin kissed both of them.. careful Jimina... Hobi kissed his husband's lips.

I am also coming with you...  Jeon said... Me to... I don't want my children to spend alone... Mr. Park said. ..

I will drive... Lisa sits in the driving seat... Come on guys ... Others get into the car.

This is a life-and-death game... Guys whatever happens protect our beloveds... Jungkook said.

I have my gun... If they touch my children I will shoot them. Jeon determined.

Go, Lisa... This is the address...  Jimin said.

Wait... Jungkook runs into the house and he came back with something...

What is this Kooki? Jeon asked.

Two weeks before I was thinking about suicide and I went to a bridge then I meet a saint here... He gives me this... After that I find Tae... I think this is my lucky charm... He shows them a bottle...

Suicide... All of them look at him...

Sorry guys... He looks down... Forgive me. He. Place the bottle in front of the dashboard.

Lisa start the car... Jimin looks back and finds Hobi and his child looking at him from the door. He slowly moves his hand to them.

I hope you don't do anything to my brothers... Don't break my trust... Joon thinks while staring at night...

My Tae... Please God give him back to me...  I want to share my whole life with him... Jungkook closes his eyes.

Oh .... Lisa applied the break... When another car overtakes them... Don't you eyes you bitch.... She shouts at them.

Leave it ...  Go fast we don't have enough time. Jungkook insisted...

A soothing smell hit their nostrils... And they don't notice Jungkook's lucky charm is already brocked.


The old man looks at them... I kill my brother and sister for that crown but you... He points his gun at Taehyung... You became obstacles...  Then I thought Jin will be an enemy for you but you block him using Yoongi... It's me who makes Seokjin against you... Finally, I thought I will get custody of Namjoon but no... Today I will kill all of you ... Including that little boy ...  Junghyo 's father stares pointing his gun at them...

Taehyung glared at him... Once I forgive you but next time... He grits his teeth... You kill my mother and father... Then my uncle... I will kill you bitch...

Ask your brother to shut up Yoongi.. already the legs and hands are tied... Jin grits his teeth.

You shut up bastard... I will send those people to kill you but his husband got shot... The old man shouts at Jin... And this bitch makes you safe in jail... He points fingers at Tae.

Both Jin and Yoongi look at him...

Taehyung nods his head... Jin slowly smiles at him...

They heard a car sound from outside... Kooki... The whispers...

Get ready... Tae old man signals to his men.


Two chapters left to the end.

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