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Jungkook stared at night.  He was frustrated.  Jimin asks him to his Father's firm.  why should I join there? I have my firm...  He walks to his room where Jimin and Lisa pack his luggage.

Jimin...  He calls him...  I am not coming anywhere... I will take care of my business.

But Kooki...  You...

No more comments...  Please get out...  I need to sleep sometimes.

Kooki.  Listen... Actually...

I said get out...  He shouted at them...  Both Lisa and Jimin started and immediately left the room. He is possessed by Taehyung's ghost... Look how he acts like him.

Leave it... Let him do what he wants. Lisa sighed.  I hope Taehyung and he will meet again.

They will but Jungkook doesn't know who he is and if he understands Tae... What did your father make him believe his wife elope with someone?

I don't know anything...  What if Jungkook chooses someone else for him? I think Taehyung should stay here. Why does he leave him like that? Lisa sits on the couch.

For making his brother safe...  Do you think Taehyung will leave Jungkook like that? He was scared when Jungkook got shot and he wanted to make his brother safe...  That's why he left him...  Jimin said.

Where are they?

At his palace...  They will be safe there...  That's why I initiated to take him there. But...

Are you sure he will be back?

My heart says like that...   Jimin said confidently.


Good morning everybody...  First of all I am sorry... I don't know how should I treat you and this business. I feels I am new to here...  Guys I need your help for everything...  Hope you are all help me. Jungkook look at his employees.

Yes...  Boss...  They said in union.

Thank you...  He smiles at them and walks to his cabin.

May I coming in sir? Someone knocked on the door.

Yes... Please...  Jungkook stares at the door. Hoseok? He got amazed.

Park Hoseok...  Your assistant...  Hobi smiles brightly and settled on the chair.

Hoseok.. Your child?

His father will take care of him...  You don't worry... I was working with your father now he asks me to help you.

Thanks Mr. Park..

Hoseok is better...  He smiles warmly.

Yea... Jungkook stare at his beautiful face.


We need to check all this order and choose the better one...  Hoseok said to Jungkook.

Yes...  But how?

First of all we need to sort best company from this list...  I will show you...  They start to work..

Hoseok...  Which company gives the best orders for us?

The Kim empire...  Hoseok said.

Then arrange a meeting with them...  I mean I want to inform them about my accident and all.

They know everything Jungkook...

But I need to meet all of our partners and colleagues. Please...  Arrange a meeting.

I will...  Hoseok smiles.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now