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Jungkook stared at his wife who was doing something on his laptop. So cute... Looking so beautiful. My baby... He slowly gets up from his seat and moves to Taehyung . Do you need a massage baby?

No... Tae said without taking his eyes from the screen.

Oh... But you look so tired... I will give you a massage.

Jungkook I am working now... Let me do this.

You do your work but I can do my work. Jungkook started to massage his head. And slowly drag his finger to other's collarbone... You have a beauty bone...

Jungkook... This is the office... Leave me.

Why? I don't leave you. You are mine... Someone brust open the door... Taehyung... Jin screams loudly.

But Taehyung looks so calm... Jungkook hugged his baby more.

Where is Jungmin? Jin asks.

I don't know... Tae answered.

Tae ... Don't play with me... Where is he? That boy is missing for two days. Where did he go?

I don't know Seokjin... Tae said with a sigh.

Do you kill him Tae? Just like you kill my Yoongi.

Your Yoongi? From when he became yours Jin? Tae asked with a bitter chuckle.

Tae... Still I am considering you... That's why .. otherwise...

Otherwise what? You don't do anything against me Jin. ...  Now you can get out.

Jin glared at him.... Jungkook once he sent his own brother to me for spying on me and that boy got killed by someone... And now he is sending Lisa to my house for spying on me. Before that auction day she was with me... In my home. Take care of her and please Taehyung... Make her away from me... I don't want she also like my Yoongi... Jin walks outside..

Bastard... Taehyung muttered.

Did you send my Lisa to his house? Jungkook asked.

Ya .. I want to know his plan... So i ask her to...

HOW DARE YOU?... Jungkook caught Tae's collor of the shirt. How dare you send my sister to his home. How dare you use my sister like that?

Jungkook... She is not a child... And she agrees for that...

My friend needs a sex partner... Send your brother there.

Jungkook... Mind your tongue.... Tae glares at him.

Getting angry? And what about my sister? If Your brother is 17 she is just 19... And how dare you to use my sister like that.

Jungkook.. don't shout at me... This is my office.

She is my sister... Jungkook screams at his face...


Where were you that night?

With a friend...  She looks down.

Which friend? Name? Adress? Male or female?

Kooki... It's... I ... I am sorry..

Why did you do this Lisa?

When he asks me to spy on him... I thought...it's for our family.

If he asks you to sleep with someone do you do that for the family?

Kooki... Lisa calls him... What are you talking about?

What else? Look here... She cups her face...they are not like us... Taehyung...he is very strange. They are not good for us... Don't interfere in these types of things... Ok? I have only you and Dad... If something happens to you or him... How should I survive... Please stay away from Taehyung and his business...

I am sorry... I never repeat this... Promise.

Sorry... Jungkook pat her hand printed cheek... When he said you were with him I got angry... I am sorry...

It's ok.. she wiped her eyes... I never do anything without asking you.

I don't mean that ... You have all freedom but Taehyung and his business... Please stay away... Ok..

Ya... She nodded her head...

Sorry... Jungkook again said with tearful eyes. He was guilty for slapping his sister for the first time.


Taehyung was sitting beside his brother... Joon was sleeping. He wants to go in the morning.

I want to talk to you... Jungkook stands at the door.

We can talk later about Jungkook... I

Come here... Jungkook caught Taehyung's hand..

Leave me Jungkook... Tae shout... Come here Jungkook pull the boy to outside.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now