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Taehyung's stopped in front of his husband's house.  What the hell? He saw Jungkook standing outside with his bags...

What happened? He asked him.

Papa make me out of the house... He looks at his wife.


Papa asks him to join company and he says no... Lisa answered.

Useless... Why can't you join the company?

I am not interested... He looks at him..

Did he slaps you? Taehyung see a handprint on kook's cheek.

Ya.... He looks down.

Taehyung slowly touch Jungkook's face... Are you ok?

No... I am not... Jungkook lost in that beautiful face...

Come with me... Taehyung hold his hand and walks to home.

Look Tae  .... I'm getting  old everyday. Lisa wants go out for studies. It's her big dream. And i asks him to help me.,.. Who else I ask help? Jeon nod his head.

I don't know anything about business Dad... And not only Lisa I also have a dream.

What? Starting a pub with lot of girls , boys and alcohol... That's your dream ... But now you are married man Jungkook... After three or four years both of you became parents too... You need to be take responsibility.

But Dad... I don't know nothing about business....

Come and Join in my company. I will teach you business and I will take care of your company now... Taehyung said.

But I am not...  Jungkook was about say something...

I told you, join... Tomorrow morning sharp 11: 30... Meet me at my office. That was an order.Like a good puppy Jungkook nods his head.


Kooki look ar his watch... 11: 25... Sharp 30... He murmur. I am 3 years elder than him and he treat me like I am 30 years younger than me... Ouchhh... He coillid with someone. Don't you have eyes on his your face? Stupid...

Say sorry... The man look at him.

Whar? You should....

Say sorry bastard... Jungkook got pinned to the wall... He looks at the man... He try to remember him...

Say sorry... The man growled dangerous.

Jin hyung... Both of them heard a sound from back. Suddenly he drop Jungkook and fixed a smile.

What is it Jooni? He turned towards sound...

You forget your phone...

Thanks dear... Jim pinch on his dimple cheek. Let's go for a coffee...

No... Hyung will scold me...  Brother in law... Joon looks at Jungkook. What are you doing here?

Nothing... He nod his head.

Jin glare at Jungkook and smiles at Joon... Then he walks to his car...

Who is that? Kook ask to Joon.

Seokjin hyung... The man decided for hyung.

Oh... Idiot... Ok... When you came back? I heard you were in hostel.

I will come at every weekend . Come... Both of them walks to office.  Mm... Hyung I am sorry. I beat you at that day... Really sorry.

It's ok... Baby bug... If I were in your place I will do the same. Where is your hyung's room?

20ty floor...

Thanks... Let me see him... Then we can go for a ride... He pat his cheeks and walks towards lift.


Jin... What the hell with you? Do you love that 17 years old boy... He ja very young for you...  Jin's mother shout at him.  You better marry Taehyung.... But she stops when she met with his eyes. Again he down his eyes too mobile screen. There is lot of pictures of Namjoon which he tooks secretly. He zoom every picture...

I want to his custody and him... And now Taehyung is nothing but used piece .

Mind your language Jin... That boy was jem of a person.

Not for me... I don't like him... Still I ready marry him for you... He said while drag his finger on his mobile screen.

It's your Dad's wish... Jin..

I think your time is over.. . Get out.


Get out... He lay on his back while staring at his mobile.

Jin... You are not loving him... You just obsessed with him.... If Taehyung gets know this he will kill you.


It's tasty.... Lisa looks at Joon...

Yes... Good...  Taehyung bring the boy to their home. He got welcome like  a prince...

They were in kitchen... Jimin and Hobi was there too...

Jiminha... Let's make some milkshake too. Appa's favorite.

Ok... Took some fruts... Jooni ger some milk... Let's make everything before uncle came.

Jungkook was eating already...

Kooky... I will cut your hand... Jimin shows the knife...

This is for eating right?

Yes... But not now... Cut that onions.

What? Fruts for her onion for me... How dare you shorty?

Did you just call me shorty? I will kill you... Jimin hit him with spatula.

You... Jungkook took another spatula and start to fight each other...

Stupids... Lisa and Joon laugh loudly.

Taehyung was observing everything. His brother looks so happy with them. He was laughing his heart out.

I just want him to be happy like this... He said to hobi.

He will... Hobi pat his shoulder.

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