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What happened? Jimin stare at the brother-sister duo... 

He needs to see his husband... Lisa said to him.

Wow...  Jimin looks at Jungkook. Is it?

Jungkook nods his head... 

Ok bye...  Jimin runs out of the room... 

Wait... Jungkook and Lisa start to follow him...  Jimin...  Stop there...  Lisa screams.

Just shut idiots and leave me alone...  I am a family man now...

Me to Jimin...  I am a family man too and I want my family back. Jungkook shout...  But why are you running?

Jimin...  It's only us who help you to bring back your Hobi...  Don't forget that... 

That's why I am running now...  All problems started from there... 

Kooki...  Catch him...  Lisa screams... 

Stop there little mochi...  Jungkook catches the boy...

Little Mochi is your father...  Leave me...  Jimin attempts to escape.

Please...  Jimin...  I told him everything. Lisa said while catching her breath...  They run for almost an hour.

Please Jimin...  I want him back...  I missed him even without remembering him but now I know everything...  Please help me... 

Jimin sits on the floor. Yes...  I will help you.

Come let's go...  Jungkook said excitedly.

Where?  Jimin looks at him.

My wife's home...

Your brother is mad...   we can't go there this night...  We can see him tomorrow morning.

But I miss him... Jungkook sat next to Jimin.

He is right Kooki...  We can see him tomorrow. But where are we? Lisa looks around.

I don't know...  This looks like a forest...  Jimin said. Call Hobi and ask him to send his location.

But how? I don't have a phone...  Jungkook said.

Me to... Lisa look around.

Fantastic... Come let's walk... Earth is round so we will reach anywhere...  Three of them start to walk without any idea where their home is.


Jungkook Jimin and Lisa look at each other. They are sitting in the leaving room Kim'sKim mansion...

Jungkook fiddled his fingers out of tension.  Jimin and Lisa look at each other. They are scared.

Taehyung...  Jungkook stands up from his seat.

Hi...  The wishes awkwardly.  sit...  Both of them settled opposite.

Jimin stares at Taehyung's stomach whether is bumped or not. Jungkook stared at his face. Taehyung gets irritated because of that gaze. Hmm...  He makes a sound.

I want to speak with you...  Jungkook said to him.

We can...   Taehyung look at him

Why do you leave me Taehyung?

For Your father and family...  And I was scared.  So I want to make my brothers safe.

Jimin looks at Lisa with a smile.

You know how much I missed you...  Jungkook wipes his eyes.

Do you remember me?  Taehyung looks at him.

No...  But still, I miss you. Taehyung stared at him...  Me to Jungkook but please understand my situation.

I know...  But Please...  Come with me...  I will protect you and our family.

I know Jungkook but...  The looks down.

Can I stay here with you? Jungkook asks suddenly.

Taehyung looks at him...  You can...  He said with a smile.

He can't...  Yoongi came to them. This is my house hyung...  I do not allow anyone to stay here.

Excuse me Mr.  Yoongi...  This boy is your brother-in-law. Jimin said.

So what? I don't believe this man...   Yoongi said. If I can't meet Jin Hyung then he can't stay here.

While hearing Jin's face Lisa makes a poker face.

That man tries to kill your brother's husband and still, you want to see him.  Jimin burst out.

Who are you? Yoongi looks at him...  Who are you who came between us?  I don't care what he did because Hyung does more than this to him and me...  Yoongi said.

Jungkook...  Get out...  Taehyung said. Now...  security.   Tae calls loudly...  Make these people out of the house.  Go inside Yoongi. He orders the boy and walks into the house.

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