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How many days do we eat together like this?  Mr . Jeon said while pouring water for him.

You are only busy Dad...  We were eat together.

Where were you went yesterday? Jeon ask his daughter.

I was here...she answered while gulping. I slept yearly.

Jungkook spread his hand and catch Tae's waist...  Taehyung glare at him, but the boy eat like nothing happens. Jungkook slowly move his hand into other t shirt... He coming to contact with his wife's bare belly. Taehyung's breath hitched for a moment.

Are you ok my son? Jeon asks to son in law.

Yes .. I am... Tae smiles at him... Jungkook pinches him...

WHAT?  Tae shout out.

What? Both of them stare at the boy...

Nothing... It's taste delicious Dad... Thanks for the wonderful dinner.

Oh... Thank you dear... All these foods are from Jimin's restaurant. Jeon smiles at them.

I know it before... If you make a Tea it's would taste like some spicy food. Lisa said.

Take hand back Jungkook... Before I will do something... Taehyung take knife from the table.

Horror... Jungkook take back his hand.

Behave Jungkook... Jeon scold him.

Oh .. my single soul... Lisa wipe her imaginary tears.

I forget tell you... A proposal came for you... Jeon said.

What? Who is that unlucky fellow? Jungkook laughed.

You know the managing director of  Kim enterprises... Jeon asks Taehyung.

Yes... Taehyung stare at him.

His son... Seokjin...

What? Three of them shocked at same time.

No... Just tell a no now... Jungkook said to his father.

I think it's a good proposal... That man..

Dad... I told you... It's not anything good... Just said a no. He shout again.


Dad ... I don't like him... Lisa said to him.

Call him now and say a big no... Jungkook stands from his seat and walks to washroom.


Jungkook... Taehyung back hug the boy. Are you ok? He asks while pressing his face on others neck.

No... Why he came after her? She is not Joon.  Not mature enough to understand the trap .

Then why we are here? Let us protect her. I don't think he wants to marry her... Some other plans. But don't worry that man never wins.

Tae... Jungkook face him... What if he do something to her?

No... Kooki... Taehyung place his lips on others eyes... He hates me only. And i will take care of him... Promise. Don't get upset baby.

I know... Now go and sleep... I want to see Lisa. Good night.

Good night... Taehyung stare at night... His eyes filled with tears...i never got you and i never allow you to be  anyone's Jin hyungi.... He fist in hand in anger.


Hey... Lizard... Sleeping? Jungkook asks lovingly to his sister.

Don't call me Lizard buffalo... She threw a pillow at him.

Sorry... He sat beside her. Are you feeling I am away from you?

No... What happened Kooki?

Like ... We are not spending time each other like before. So I felt that away.

Oh... God man... Now you married and got job. You are very busy now a days. If you are feeling something like that give me a big once you get your salary.

Ya... Baby boo... He touch her nose. Lisa..
That man is not a good one... Stays away from him.


That Seokjin...

I know bro... Don't worry i will take care of myself. She smiles.

Any problem, just said openly to me. Ok? Don't hide anything.

Oh... My big brother... I will... She assured.

Ok... Then Sleep ... He makes her to bed and cover with a duvet. Good night dear.

Good night...

Jungkook check her windows weather it's closed or not. Then switch off the light and closed the door securely.

Once he go out... She wipe her eyes. I lied to you Kooki... I am hiding something from you... Please forgive me.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now