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Both brothers are enjoying themselves and i am working like a machine . Jungkook murmurs while adding salt to the curry.  Where is that girl gone? Lisa... Come here... He shouted loudly.

I am studying mr... Don't distrub me...  She said.

You will fail... I can't work like servant... Jungkook walks to his wife's room. Tae baby... What are you doing?  Jooni.. come we can make food together.

I am coming Hyung... Joon was about stand.

Sit there and complete your work... Taehyung order to him. And Mr.Jungkook... you are old enough to make food for 5 people... Go... Get out .

Why he hates me so much? Jungkook walks to kitchen back.

Kooki... If you done Cooking Clean that dishes too... Jeon said to him.


Taehyung himself dropped Joon at the airport. Joon looks everywhere. He didn't see Jin anywhere for these days. Does hyung really kill him? He ask to Jungkook.

Me? No baby... He may be scared of my warning. Jungkook laughed.

I am talking about my brother.

Jungkook stare at him. He will kill people.

Yes... Iam going see you next week... He walks to escalater.

Jungkook... Taehyung calls him..

Baby? ...

Call me. Mr. Kim when we are at work. And go straight to the office. Taehyung order to him.

This boy and his attitude... Atleast iam his husband na... Hot and sexy husband. How he can control around... Wow beautiful view... Jungkook stare at his face on car mirror.

Mr. Jeon... Your face is not that good to stare like this ... just drive.

Go and make a coffee... I will be at my cabin.

Excuse me... I am your private assistant not your Servant...

Coffe in two minutes... Taehyung walks to his cabin.

You.... Jungkook walks to canteen.


Why are you following me? Lisa ask to Jin.

Who following? Jin stare at  her.

You... I don't have that cash to pay... You should talk with my father.

Excuse me mam... I am here to purchase things... I am not following you. And about cash... I need to because my car is in work shop. I will talk with your father. Jin shurug his shoulder.

She looks down...

And... Mam... This is not good for you... He took the knife which she pointed at him. See you there. He walks to bill counter with his trolley.


No... Boss... He was just to purchase but make a scene there. He was not following her.

That's good... But watch them... Give security for her... Inform me anything and everything... Taehyung looks at the table of Jungkook , the boy was hardworking... Sleeping soundly.

Jungkook.... Tae walks to him and tap on his table.

Yes... Sir... He open Wale up look at him with half open eyes.

This is office not your home...

This is 2am not office time... Come here i want tell you a secret.

What? Taehyung walks to his chair.

I am sleepy... Jungkook hug his waist and place his head on others stomach and continue his sleep.

Wake up... Good for nothing fellow... Let's go to home.

No... I am sleepy... Why is your stomach so hard and flat... I will help you to make that soft  and bumpy...

A small smile occurred in Tae ... But he hide that... Wake up idiot. Tae was about pour water on him ... But he saw someone enter the company through ccctv... Taehyung suddenly got alert. The door has number lock. But the man straight walk to cabin and unlock the cabin door.

Jungkook... Taehyung wakes him up...

Iam sleepy... Shhh.... Tae made him silent..
Come... Both of them hide behind a table..

Who is he?

I don't know but we need to trap him here... Taehyung took a gun from his shoes.

Your carrying gun with you... Jungkook ask with a rounded eyes...  As a reply he heard a gunshot and shout from the man. He shot on his leg.

But what makes them surprise the man was not alone... Some other persons runs to the cabin with guns and knifes...

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now