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Jungkook... Taehyung calls the boy.

Yes ... Jungkook stands in front of him like an obeying puppy.

We have an auction tomorrow... You should attend that.

Ok... He shrug. But what auction baby?

Wow! Hoseok stares at him.

He is a fool indeed ... Jimin said Hobi.

What is an auction?  Hobi asks Jimin.

I don't know... He said innocently.

Just go the place , they will display some diamonds... No matter what the value just buy it ... Taehyung said to him.

Yes... Ok.

This is thing going to start a casino even don't know what is an auction. Taehyung said with sigh.


The girl fall in sleep after drink the coffee then take her to home and negotiate with Taehyung... That was the plan in Jin portraits but little did he know this girl , her brother and their best friend are nothing but crackheads. it's been one hour since she drank coffe but still talking bla...bla... Jin looks at his watch... Going to 12 am... Jin looks at her.

That's what I am saying don't go for shopping with your brother... That idiot never buy anything I like. He chooses what he likes ... Stupid. Look moon... I want pluck that moon... She runs to a bridge.

No.... Jin ran behind her.... She start jump for moon

Lisa ... Stop it... Are you mad? What are you doing?

You call me mad... I hate you... She sat on the bridge and cry like child... I hate you.

Feeling is mutual girl... But please come i will drop you at your home.

No... I am so energetic... Come let's do something... She winks at him.

What? Jim frown.

Let's jump to river sir... It will fun.

My God... Do you want make me a killer?  Jin slap himself.

Look.... How many stars in the sky? One, two, thousand, five hundred... She walks while counting. Jin follows her. If something happens to her he will got arrested because so many people see him together. Jin curse himself for his plan for kidnapping her.

They walks around 2 hours...I am tired ... She said with a pout. Let's go back and take your car and we can go home.

Jin stare at her... She was standing in front of Jin's appartment. If he want his car they should go back two kilometres back...

This is my home...let's go inside. Jin said to her.

My legs are go somewhere else... Can you take me? She made a grabby hand.

No ... Walk but she already jump on his back.

Stupid me... Jin walks to the lift..

Sorry sir... Lift is not working... Security said to him. I know... The badest day of my life... Jin sighed ... The girl already fall asleep on his back.


So do you understand? Taehyung looks at his husband.

Yes... Bunny nod his cutely with a pout.

Tae smiles at him... Come here... He calls the boy.

Tell me... Kook lean to him... Tae gives him a soft kiss on his cheek. You are so cute... He said.

I know ... Here too... Jungkook show his another cheek.

Go and sleep.... Good night.

Okie... Where is that girl? I don't see her today... Lis... Are you dead?

She already slept Jungkook. Don't distrub her. You just go and sleep... You need to go early morning.

Ok... With a confused mind Jungkook go to bed.


Lisa was Singing so loudly in the kitchen counter. Jin sits on the floor. I should kidnap Jungkook instead of this fool. He looks at the clock 3 am.... Excuse me it's 3.

Oh my god... You go and sleep i will make a wonderful breakfast for you.

You want burn this house... Jin shout at her.
How people got intoxicated after sleeping pills .

I am sleepy... She wipe her eyes and walks to the room.

Thank God...  Jin took a heavy breath.


Jimini.... Everyone is looking at us... That girl winks at me.

Kooki... We are here for auction... Just focus on that. Jimin kick him.

Oki... Look i think it's starting..... Both hold their hands together. let's do it.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now